Edition number
№12№12 (приложение)№11№10№9№9-1 (приложение)№9 (приложение)№8№7№6№6 (приложение)№5№3№3 (приложение)№2№1
№4 / 2024
Tezikov Yu.V., Lipatov I.S., Tyutyunnik V.L., Kan N.E., Kurbanova A.M.
The concept of epigenetic modifications in fetal metabolic programming5-15
Dikov A.V., Beznoshchenko O.S., Yusupova A.A., Pyregov A.V.
The role of integral methods for assessing the hemostatic system in the diagnosis and transfusion tactics in postpartum hemorrhage16-23
Loginova E.A., Valiev R.K., Ivanova L.B., Davydova I.Yu., Dymova A.V.
Uterine niches following cesarean section: the problem of diagnosis and treatment24-33
Klinyshkova T.V., Buyan M.S., Samosudova I.B.
Recurrence of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia: modern view on the problem34-38
Dubrovina S.O.
Characteristics of consultations for patients aged over 45 years39-50
Original Articles
Translated to English
Kulabukhova P.V., Bychenko V.G., Shmakov R.G.
The role of magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasound diagnosis of fetal growth restriction in combination with pathological changes in fetal brain51-58
Translated to English
Volochaeva M.V., Tokareva A.O., Kononikhin A.S., Kukaev E.N., Tyutyunnik V.L., Kan N.E., Starodubtseva N.L.
Diagnostic significance of proteome analysis of maternal plasma in fetal growth restriction59-68
Translated to English
Altukhova O.B., Radzinsky V.E., Sirotina S.S., Efremova O.A., Batlutskaya I.V., Orlova V.S., Churnosov M.I.
Molecular genetic determinants of adenomyosis69-74
Translated to English
Lipatov I.S., Tezikov Yu.V., Tyutyunnik V.L., Kan N.E., Martynyuk D.A., Belousov I.S.
Rationale for preoperative treatment of advanced-stage endometrial ovarian cysts in infertile women75-86
Translated to English
Siutkina I.P., Demura А.Yu., Rakitin F.A., Kochetkova M.V., Khabarov D.V.
Dynamic control of hemostasis during organ-sparing surgery in gynecologic practice87-92
Translated to English
Fortygina Yu.A., Makarova N.P., Drapkina Yu.S., Novoselova A.V., Gamisonia A.M., Chagovets V.V., Frankevich V.E., Kalinina E.A.
Comparative analysis of blood and follicular fluid lipid profiles in women undergoing infertility treatment with assisted reproductive technologies93-102
Translated to English
Sukhanov A.A., Dikke G.B., Mudrov V.A., Kukarskaya I.I.
Predicting the success of in vitro fertilization in patients with chronic endometritis and reproductive disorders using neural network technology (secondary analysis of the results of the TULIP-2 randomized controlled trial)103-115
Organization of Public Health
Stupak V.S., Bantyeva M.N., Manoshkina E.M.
Reproductive losses in the Far Eastern Federal District: trends and problems116-125
Exchange of Experience
Musin I.I., Yashchuk A.G., Kolodyazhnaya E.A., Nasyrova S.F., Galanova Z.M., Molokanova A.R., Imelbaeva A.G.
Transluminal endoscopy (vNOTES): total hysterectomy126-131
Ozerskaya I.A., Kazaryan G.G., Gus A.I.
Ultrasound assessment of the effect of chronic endometritis treatment132-138
Dobrokhotova Yu.E., Lapina I.A., Tyan A.G., Taranov V.V., Chirvon T.G., Glebov N.V., Kaykova O.V.
Prevention of infectious complications after genital prolapse surgery139-147
Guidelines for the Practitioner
Tyutyunnik V.L., Mikhailova O.I., Kan N.E., Mirzabekova D.D.
Modern concepts in the treatment of urogenital Chlamydia trachomatis infection during pregnancy148-155
Nazarova N.M., Prilepskaya V.N.
Combined hormonal contraceptive containing estetrol and drospirenone: pharmacokinetics and opportunities for clinical use156-161
Clinical Notes
Barinov S.V., Tirskaya Yu.I., Lazareva О.V., Kadtsyna T.V., Chulovsky Yu.I., Kovaleva Yu.A.
Delivery after repeated reconstructive plastic surgery on the uterus162-167
Babich T.Yu., Sulima A.N., Baskakov P.N., Suleymanova S.R.
Delivery in a pregnant woman with a bicornuate uterus and a scar after cesarean section168-173
To the jubilee of Professor V.L. Tyutyunnik