Edition number
№3 / 2011
Problem-Solving Articles
Savelyeva G.M., Kurtser M.A., Karaganova E.Ya., Breusenko L.E., Tretyakova M.V.
Management of physiological and complicated labor4-10
Pavlov K.A., Dubova E.A., Shchegolev A.I.
Fetoplacental angiogenesis during normal pregnancy: a role of vascular endothelial growth factor11-16
Yureneva S.V., Yakushevskaya O.V.
Optimization of antiresorptive therapy with bisphosphonates17-22
Original Articles
Murashko L.E., Ilyinsky I.M.
Renal immunomorphology after prior preeclampsia23-26
Dolgushina V.F., Vereina N.K.
Inherited and acquired thrombotic risk factors in women with a history of obstetric pathology27-31
Menzhinskaya I.V.
The IgG subclass distribution and pathogenetic activity of anti-human chorionic gonadotropin autoantibodies in women with reproductive failure32-36
Klinyshkova T.V., Frolova N.B., Mozgovoy S.I.
Clinical value of comprehensive evaluation of the endometrial receptor status in endometrial polyps37-41
Kondrikov N.I., Asaturova A.V., Mogirevskaya O.A., Barinova I.V., Andreyev A.I., Nazhimov V.P.
Reproducibility of the diagnoses of endometrial hyperplasia according to the WHO classification and the modified (binary) classification42-46
Sorokina A.V., Radzinsky V.E., Sokhova Z.M., Kosikova T.A., Ziganshin R.Kh., Arapidi G.P., Govorun V.M.
Potential serum proteomic markers of benign uterine diseases47-51
Organization of Public Health
Palenaya I.I., Tsymlyakova L.M., Frolova O.G., Shuvalova M.P.
Regional aspects of early neonatal mortality52-56
Exchange of Experience
Khodzhayeva Z.S., Gurbanova S.R.
Clinical and pathogenetic rationale for the use of magnesium preparations in pregnant women with isthmic cervical insufficiency and undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia57-63
Chukhareva N.A., Ushkalova E.A., Bevz A.Yu.
The diagnosis and treatment of functional constipation in pregnant women64-68
Salov I.A., Tkachenko L.V., Raigorodsky Yu.M., Tarasenko Yu.N., Tikhayeva K.Yu., Kurushina O.V.
Treatment using «АМО-АТОС-Э» and «АВИМ-1» apparatuses in women with pelvic pain syndrome69-73
Ushkalova E.A., Shifman E.M.
A problem in the unregulated use of intravenous immunoglobulin in obstetrics74-80
Guidelines for the Practitioner
Pavlovich S.V.
Antenatal prevention of neonatal respiratory distress syndrome81-85
Clinical Lectures
Shmakov R.G.
Pregnancy and lymphomas: pregnancy management tactics, principles in diagnosis and treatment86-92
Professor M.M. Shekhtman
In memory of academician V.I. Grishchenko