Feasibility of objective assessment of the progress of preterm labor at different gestational ages

Novikova V.A., Cherepakhin E.P., Glebova E.V., Nikonov M.A., Tomashevsky D.V.

1 Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia; 2 Perinatal Center, Territorial Children’s Clinical Hospital, Krasnodar, Russia
Objective. To investigate the feasibility of an objective assessment of the progress of preterm labor at different gestational ages. Subjects and methods. This prospective, nonrandomized study comprised 150 women with premature births at various gestational ages and 50 control women with full-term births. The study estimated and differentiated objective factors for predicting preterm labor within 24 hours. Results. Based on the discriminant analysis, the predictive significance of various parameters for predicting preterm labor was estimated depending on the gestational age. The risk of childbirth with extensor presentation of the fetal head is established in very early, early and preterm labor. Conclusion. To assess the risk of preterm labor, ultrasonic measurements of cervical vascularization index and the fetal head–perineum distance need to be done in addition to routine diagnostic evaluation. In very early, early and premature labor with the extensor presentation of the fetal head, the risks of vaginal birth should be considered together with a neonatologist.


premature birth
cervical vascularization
extensor insertion of the fetal head


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Received 02.10.2017

Accepted 27.10.2017

About the Authors

Vladislava A. Novikova, MD, Professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology with a course of perinatology, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia.
117198, Russia, Moscow, Miklukho-Maklaya str. 6. Tel.: +78612220114. E-mail: vladislavan@mail.ru
Evgeny P. Cherepakhin, MD, obstetrician-gynecologist of the maternity department, Perinatal Center, Territorial Children’s Clinical Hospital.
350063, Russia, Krasnodar, Sedina str. 4. Tel.: +78612220114. E-mail: inbox@dkkb-kk.ru
Evgenia V. Glebova, ultrasound diagnostician, Perinatal Center, Territorial Children’s Clinical Hospital. 350007, Russia, Krasnodar, Sq. Pobedy 1. E-mail: inbox@dkkb-kk.ru
Maxim A. Nikonov, ultrasound diagnostician, Perinatal Center, Territorial Children’s Clinical Hospital. 350007, Russia, Krasnodar, Sq. Pobedy 1. E-mail: inbox@dkkb-kk.ru
Dmitry V. Tomashevsky, deputy chief doctor for perinatal care, Perinatal Center, Territorial Children’s Clinical Hospital.
350007, Russia, Krasnodar, Sq. Pobedy 1. E-mail: inbox@dkkb-kk.ru

For citations: Novikova V.A., Cherepakhin E.P., Glebova E.V., Nikonov M.A., Tomashevskii D.V. Feasibility of objective assessment of the progress of preterm labor at different gestational ages. Akusherstvo i Ginekologiya/Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2018; (6): 25-30. (in Russian)

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