Potential use of the Russian small-sized fetal analyzer ADMP-02 in the conditions of various obstetric care facilities

Cherepenko O.V., Martynenko P.G., Voevodin S.M., Kuzin V.F.

1) Tula Regional Perinatal Center, Tula, Russia; 2) A.I. Evdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow, Russia; 3) Moscow Regional Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Moscow, Russia
Timely and accurate assessment of the fetal condition during pregnancy and childbirth is the main component of medical care which makes it possible to avoid perinatal complications in obstetrics. Such simple devices as fetal Doppler which can register the fetal heart rate have a significant drawback. During the study the data obtained using a standard fetal Doppler are usually reflected only on a digital display, they are not stored in the device memory and are not recorded on paper or electronic media.
Objective: To study the potential use of the analyzer ADMP-02 for an objective identification of the presence of fetal cardiac activity in the second trimester of pregnancy, as well as for rapid documented assessment of the fetal condition in the third trimester when the device is used by paramedical personnel or doctors before cardiotocography or ultrasound examination during the initial contact with the patient.
Materials and methods: This was the analysis of 415 studies of pregnant women using ADMP-02 performed in the Tula Regional Perinatal Center and other medical institutions of this city. A total of 198 studies were conducted at 14–28 weeks gestation and 215 studies were performed at gestation after 28 weeks, all the results were documented on paper. After using the analyzer ADMP-02, all the pregnant women had a standard full examination with the use of ultrasound and CTG; the condition of the fetus in the third trimester was indicated in the clinical report. There was a comparison of the data of the device and subsequent studies which are considered to be the gold standard.
Results: The rate of unsuccessful studies in the second trimester of pregnancy was 20.7% (41 cases) and 8.3% (18 cases) in the third trimester. The main reasons for unsuccessful studies were increased subcutaneous fat, severe polyhydramnios, the location of the placenta on the anterior wall of the uterus and the posterior view. A total of 194 studies were referred to normal (97.5%), 3 cases were identified as suspicious and 2 cases were identified as pathological. The comparative analysis of the potential use of the analyzer ADMP-02 and hospital diagnostic systems in our study demonstrated 100% sensitivity and 98% specificity.
Conclusion: The analyzer ADMP-02 can be used by various medical personnel to identify fetal cardiac activity starting from 14-16 weeks gestation. In the third trimester, the use of the analyzer ADMP-02 made it possible to identify the normal or pathological condition of the fetus prior to the standard obstetric examination. The timely detection contributed to the rapid and rational development of tactics for further monitoring and management of the pregnant woman to reduce obstetric complications and perinatal mortality.


fetal hypoxia
fetal monitoring
pregnancy complications


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Received 13.09.2021

Accepted 22.09.2021

About the Authors

Oleg V. Cherepenko, obstetrician-gynecologist, chief physician, Tula Regional Perinatal Center, +7(4872)48-23-96, guz.toperincentr@tularegion.ru,
300053, Russia, Tula, 2nd Gastello passage, 19.
Pyotr G. Martynenko, PhD, obstetrician gynecologist, Deputy Chief Physician for Obstetrics and Gynecology, Tula Regional Perinatal Center,
+7(4872)48-64-02, guz.toperincentr@tularegion.ru, 300053, Russia, Tula, 2nd Gastello passage, 19.
Sergey M. Voevodin, Dr. Med. Sci., Professor of the Department of Reproductive Medicine and Surgery, A.I. Yevdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, Ministry of Health of Russia, +7(916)223-14-22, voevod37@yandex.ru, 127473, Russia, Moscow, Delegatskaya str., 20-1.
Vladimir F. Kuzin, Dr. Med. Sci., Scientific consultant, Moscow Regional Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology, +7(916)141-32-43, vlad.kuzin2012@yandex.ru,
101000, Russia, Moscow, Pokrovka str., 22а.

Authors’ contributions: Cherepenko O.V. – collecting material, primary evaluation of the data; Martynenko P.G. – collecting material, training the personnel; Voevodin S.M. – developing the concept of the study, writing the article, processing the statistical data; Kuzin V.F. – developing the concept of the study, writing the article, processing the statistical data.
Conflicts of interest: Authors declare no conflicts of interest.
Funding: The study was conducted without sponsorship.
Patient Consent for Publication: All patients provided informed consent for the publication of their data.
Authors' Data Sharing Statement: The data supporting the findings of this study are available on request from the corresponding author after approval from the principal investigator.
For citation: Cherepenko O.V., Martynenko P.G., Voevodin S.M., Kuzin V.F. Potential use of the Russian small-sized fetal analyzer ADMP-02 in the conditions of various obstetric care facilities.
Akusherstvo i Ginekologiya / Obstetrics and gynecology. 2021; 10: 153-157 (in Russian)

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