Current views on the etiopathogenesis and risk factors of uterine leiomyoma
The paper carries out a systems analysis of the data available in the current literature on the etiopathogenesis and risk factors of uterine leiomyoma. It gives main etiological hypotheses for uterine leiomyoma, molecular mechanisms for its development, and risk factors for tumor development. According to the current concepts, uterine leiomyoma is a multifactorial and polyetiological disease, the development of which involves genetic and epigenetic mechanisms, hormone-dependent and hormone-independent myometrial smooth muscle cell proliferation that is determined by growth factors, apoptotic mechanisms, and reactions to injury and inflammation.Ponomarenko I.V., Churnosov M.I.
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Received 12.12.2017
Accepted 22.12.2017
About the Authors
Ponomarenko, Irina V., MD, associate professor of the Department of Biomedical Disciplines of the Medical Institute, Belgorod State National Research University.308015, Russia, Belgorod, Pobedy str. 85. Tel.: +74722301383. E-mail:
Churnosov, Mikhail I., MD, Professor, Head of the Department of Biomedical Disciplines Medical Faculty, Belgorod State National Research University.
308015, Russia, Belgorod, Pobedy str. 85. Tel.: +74722301383. E-mail: 1254-6134
For citations: Ponomarenko I.V., Churnosov M.I. Current views on the etiopathogenesis and risk factors of uterine leiomyoma. Akusherstvo i Ginekologiya/Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2018; (8): 27-32. (in Russian)