A new approach to cesarean section for placenta previa accreta

Barinov S.V., Tirskaya Yu.I., Medyannikova I.V., Shamina I.V., Ralko V.V., Razdobedina I.N., Grebenyuk O.A., Kovaleva Yu.A., Shavkun I.A.

1 Omsk State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia, Omsk 644043, Lenina str. 12, Russia 2 Omsk Regional Clinical Hospital, Omsk 644111, Berezovaya str. 3, Russia
Objective. To evaluate the efficiency of combined tactics using the Zhukovsky vaginal and uterine catheters when stopping postpartum bleeding due to placenta previa increta.
Subjects and methods. The investigation enrolled 79 pregnant women with rotation of the placenta previa. Surgical treatment (uterine arterial ligation; compression sutures; dissection of the ingrown lobe of the placenta or metroplasty) was used in Group 1; a surgical technique was used in combination with the Zhukovsky uterine balloon catheter in Group 2; surgical hemostasis was combined with the Zhukovsky uterine and vaginal catheters in Group 3.
Resu1ts. Blood loss during surgical hemostasis in combination with the Zhukovsky catheters was significantly lower than that during isolated surgical hemostasis. There was no difference in blood loss when the uterine catheter was used alone or in combination of the vaginal catheter
Conclusion. The use of the Zhukovsky catheters permits one to perform organ-sparing surgery for placenta previa and lower-segment bleeding due to placenta accreta.


placenta previa
placenta accreta
obstetric hemorrhage
organ-sparing technique for obstetric hemorrhage

Supplementary Materials

  1. Table 1. Evaluation of the effectiveness of haemostatic measures
  2. Table 2. Comparison of the results of compared methods of hemostasis with respect to an unfavorable outcome
  3. Fig. 1. Hemostatic external-uterine supraplacental assembly suture
  4. Fig. 2. Installation of uterine obstetric Zhukovsky catheter
  5. Fig. 3. Installation of vaginal and uterine Zhukovsky catheters
  6. Fig. 4. Indices of blood loss in volume compared groups (▫Mean ± SE; + Mean ± 2 * SD), p = 0.0029
  7. Fig. 5. Indicators volume blood loss in the two groups (▫Mean ± SE; + Mean ± 2 * SD), p = 0.0137
  8. Fig. 6. Performance volume blood loss in the two groups (▫Mean ± SE; + Mean ± 2 * SD), p = 0.7084


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Received 09.06.2017

Accepted 23.06.2017

About the Authors

Barinov Sergej Vladimirovich, doctor of medical sciences, professor, head of the department of obstetrics and gynecology № 2, Omsk State Medical University.
644043, Russia, Omsk, Lenina str. 12. Tel.: +73821240658. E-mail: barinov_omsk@mail.ru
Tirskaya Yuliya Igorevna, doctor of medical sciences, docent, associate professor at the department of obstetrics and gynecology № 2, Omsk State Medical University. 644043, Russia, Omsk, Lenina str. 12. Tel.: +73821240658. E-mail: yulia.tirskaya@yandex.ru
Medyannikova Irina Vladimirovna, candidate of medical sciences, associate professor at the department of obstetrics and gynecology № 2, Omsk State Medical University. 644043, Russia, Omsk, Lenina str. 12. Tel.: +73821240658. E-mail: mediren@gmail.com
Shamina Inna Vasil’evna, candidate of medical sciences, assistant professor at the department of obstetrics and gynecology № 2, Omsk State Medical University.
644043, Russia, Omsk, Lenina str. 12. Tel.: +73821240658. E-mail: innadocsever@rambler.ru
Ralko Vyacheslav Vladimirovich, candidate of medical sciences, deputy chief physician for obstetrical and gynecological aid, Omsk Regional Clinical Hospital.
644111, Russia, Omsk, Berezovaya str. 3. Tel.: +73821359104. E-mail: okb_mail@minzdrav.omskportal.ru
Razdobedina Irina Nikolaevna, head of the obstetrics department, Omsk Regional Clinical Hospital.
644111, Russia, Omsk, Berezovaya str. 3. Tel.: +73821359104. E-mail: okb_mail@minzdrav.omskportal.ru
Grebenyuk Ol’ga Al’bertovna, head of the obstetric physiological department, Omsk Regional Clinical Hospital.
644111, Russia, Omsk, Berezovaya str. 3. Tel.: +73821359104. E-mail: okb_mail@minzdrav.omskportal.ru
Kovaleva Yuliya Anatol’evna, head of pregnancy pathology department, Omsk Regional Clinical Hospital.
644111, Russia, Omsk, Berezovaya str. 3. Tel.: +73821359104. E-mail: okb_mail@minzdrav.omskportal.ru
Shavkun Inna Anatol’evna, doctor obstetrician-gynecologist obstetric observatory department, Omsk Regional Clinical Hospital.
644111, Russia, Omsk, Berezovaya str. 3. Tel.: +73821359104. E-mail: okb_mail@minzdrav.omskportal.ru

For citations: Barinov S.V., Tirskaya Yu.I., Medyannikova I.V., Shamina I.V., Ralko V.V., Razdobedina I.N., Grebenyuk O.A., Kovaleva Yu.A., Shavkun I.A. A new approach to cesarean section for placenta previa accreta. Akusherstvo i Ginekologiya/Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2017; (10): 47-54. (in Russian)

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