Clinical evolution of intravenous iron complexes

Abashin S.Yu.

«PET Technology» Federal Network of Nuclear Medicine Centers, Moscow, Russian Federation
Intravenous iron complexes are actively used in clinical practice and now allow short-term safe pathogenetic therapy for iron deficiency anemia. This clinical evolution has been achieved with intravenous ferric carboxymaltosate complex, the effectiveness and safety of which has been proven in numerous clinical trials. The designed intravenous iron (III) hydroxide oligoisomaltosate complex has theoretical bases for a low immunogenicity and can be administered at a higher dose in a single infusion. The clinical feasibility of administering more than 1000 mg of iron requires a comprehensive and balanced approach and the confirmation of the safety of iron (III) hydroxide oligoisomaltosate needs systems monitoring of its clinical use.


intravenous iron preparations
iron deficiency anemia
iron deficiency
high doses of iron
ferric carboxymaltosate
iron (III) hydroxide oligoisomaltosate


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Received 07.03.2019

Accepted 15.03.2019

About the Authors

Abashin, Sergey Yu., MD, expert in Oncology, oncologist, Federal network of centers of nuclear medicine «PET technology».
109004, Russia, Moscow, Solzhenitsyn str. 27, A. Tel.: +79162226779. E-mail:

For citation: Abashin S.Yu. Clinical evolution of intravenous iron complexes. Akusherstvo i Ginekologiya/Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2019; (3): 135-40. (in Russian)

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