Cystic adenomatosis and fetal pulmonary sequestration: a modern view on the problem; diagnosis and developmental outcomes
The paper analyzes the publications of leading Russian and foreign investigators to assess the possibility of using echography in the diagnosis and prediction of postnatal outcome in cystic adenomatous pulmonary malformation (CAPM) and pulmonary sequestration (PS) in the fetus. The rate of diagnosis of pulmonary malformations has increased significantly over the past decade and is 1-2500-3000 newborns. In 30-50% of cases, CAPM is concurrent with PS, which leads to the development of hybrid forms. Disease can be diagnosed prenatally at 20-21 weeks’ gestation; after 32 weeks of presnancy, most cases show a decrease in size or complete disappearance of pathological signs. However, postnatal intravenous contrast-enhanced CT can detect previously diagnosed pathology in almost 100% of cases. The neonatal outcome in the presence of the above lung pathology is favorable in 95% of cases. A poor outcome in the occurrence of hydrops fetalis is noted in 5-9%. The management tactics for asymptomatic newborn infants is ambiguous; resection of the affected lung segment or sequestration is made in the vast majority of cases.Mashinets N.V.
cystic adenomatous pulmonary malformation
pulmonary sequestration
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Received 27.02.2019
Accepted 19.04.2019
About the Authors
Natalya V. Mashinets, PhD, the senior scientific worker of the department of functional diagnostics department of diagnostic imaging of Academician V.I. KulakovResearch Center of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia, Moscow, Russia
For citation: Mashinets N.V. Cystic adenomatosis and fetal pulmonary sequestration: a modern view on the problem; diagnosis and developmental outcomes.
Akusherstvo i Ginekologiya/Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2019; (10): 36-42. (in Russian).