Urinary tract infections in pregnant women
Shabanova N.E.
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are among the most common infectious disorders. They are diagnosed in 150 million people each year and are most commonly detected in women. The incidence of UTIs during pregnancy currently ranges from 4 to 47% worldwide. Physiological changes in a woman’s body associated with pregnancy and certain risk factors contribute to the development and spread of UTIs. This review presents the scientific data on a new dosage form which is a dispersible tablet. The pharmacokinetic profile of dispersible forms increases the clinical efficacy and tolerance of the drugs thereby reducing antimicrobial resistance.
Cefixime EXPRESS refers to such drugs; it has a broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity and it affects pathogens with β-lactamase activity. Dispersible tablets have an advantage in pharmacokinetic properties, a favorable safety and efficacy profile in the treatment of uncomplicated UTIs during pregnancy. The drug is well tolerated and convenient to use for both inpatients when used in step therapy, and outpatients, namely women with UTIs; it can also be administered empirically in case of intolerance to first-line drugs.
Conclusion: Cefixime EXPRESS in the form of dispersible tablets is a promising medication for the treatment of uncomplicated UTIs during pregnancy as it shows high efficacy and safety. Administering the medication once a day is convenient and increases patient compliance.
Conflicts of interest: Author declares lack of the possible conflicts of interests.
Funding: The study was conducted without sponsorship.
For citation: Shabanova N.E. Urinary tract infections in pregnant women.
Akusherstvo i Ginekologiya/Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2024; (8): 153-158 (in Russian)
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Received 10.07.2024
Accepted 01.08.2024