Cervical cancer in the Omsk Region: epidemiological aspects

Klinyshkova T.V., Turchaninov D.V., Buyan M.S.

1 Omsk State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia, Omsk 644043, Lenina str. 12, Russia; 2 City Polyclinic Eight, Omsk 644052, Bagrationa str. 10, Russia
Objective. To assess the epidemiological situation of cervical cancer (CC) among the female population in the Omsk Region in 2002–2016.
Subjects and methods. Intensive and extensive indicators and their standard errors were calculated in the descriptive observational retrospective epidemiological study. The dynamic series of indicators were analyzed with alignment using the least squares method and with calculation of growth (decrease) rates (Rinc/dec in %), that characterized the long-term epidemic trend. The official statistical data of the Russian Federal State Statistics Service on population size by sex and age were used for calculations.
Results. In the period 2002-2016, the incidence of CC in the Omsk Region was stable and averaged 19.63±0.360/0000 (Rinc = +0.05; p> 0.05); that in the Russian Federation (RF) did 18.46±0.040/0000 and was considerably lower (p < 0.01); moreover, there was a moderate, statistically significant tendency to increase this indicator (Rinc = +1.72; p < 0.001). The analysis of the CC neglect index in the RF showed the stability of the situation; this indicator in the Omsk Region had a moderate positive tendency to decrease from 52.7% in 2001 to 40.6% in 2016;
p < 0.001). The average annual rate for the region was 46.7±0.88%, which was 1.2 times higher than the federal rate (38.1±0.11%; p < 0.001). In 2013–2016, the cytologic screening coverage of public health care facilities in the Omsk Region was 31.9 to 36.7%. The maximum incidence of CC was observed in the age group of 55–59 years (37.41±1.46), its moderate growth rate was traced in the age groups of 20–24 years (Rinc = +3.3%) and 70–74 years (Rinc = +4.1%). The study of the age structure in patients with CC established that 50–54-year-old women constituted the largest proportion in both the Omsk Region (13.0%) and the RF (12.8%).
Conclusion. The incidence of CC in the female population of the Omsk Region was stable over 15 years (2002–2016), while the RF showed a moderate significant trend towards increasing this rate. The Region displayed a tendency to reduce the CC neglect index during the period of analysis from 52.7 to 40.6% (p < 0.001); however, but the average annual rate exceeded the similar federal rate by 1.2 times. Women aged 50–54 years were prevalent cases of CC. Rejuvenation of the latter is confirmed by the disease growth rates in the age group of 20–24 years in the Omsk Region and the RF. The insufficient effectiveness of opportunistic cytological screening in the public healthcare system, which negatively affects CC morbidity rates and neglect index in the Omsk Region.


cervical cancer
cytological screening
epidemiological study
Omsk Region

Supplementary Materials

  1. Table 1 - The incidence of female genital cancer incidence in the Omsk region and the Russian Federation (2001-2016, per 100,000 female population)
  2. Table 2 - Indices of the incidence of cervical cancer in the Omsk region and the Russian Federation (2001-2016, per 100,000 female population)
  3. Figure 1 - The indicator of neglect of cervical cancer in the Russian Federation and, % (95% confidence interval)
  4. Figure 2 - Age-specific rates of cervical cancer incidence in the female population aged 15 years and over in the Russian Federation and the Omsk Region (per 100,000 women of the corresponding age group, 95% confidence interval)


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Received 19.07.2017

Accepted 23.09.2017

About the Authors

Klinyshkova Tatyana Vladimirovna, MD, Full Professor, Professor of the Graduate Education Department of obstetrics and gynecology, Omsk State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia. 644043, Russia, Omsk, Lenina str. 12. Tel.: +7620315480. Е-mail: klin_tatyana@mail.ru. ORCID ID: 0000-0002-0544-8184
Turchaninov Denis Vladimirovich, M.D., Full Professor, Head of the Department of Hygiene and Nutrition, Omsk State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia.
644043, Russia, Omsk, Lenina str. 12. Tel.: +73812605418. Е-mail: omskgsen@yandex.ru. ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6298-4872
Buyan Mariya Sergeevna, obstetrician-gynecologist, head of women’s consultation, City Polyclinic Eight.
644052, Russia, Omsk, Bagrationa str. 10. Tel.: +7620302221. E-mail: mam_agata@mail.ru. ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8413-3809

For citations: Klinyshkova T.V., Turchaninov D.V., Buyan M.S.
Cervical cancer in the Omsk Region: epidemiological aspects.
Akusherstvo i Ginekologiya/Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2018; (3): 102-8. (in Russian)

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