The current concept of the role of papillomavirus infection in the development of cervical intraepitelial neoplasia

Beglaryan G.A., Arutyunyan A.G.

1) International School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Milan, Milan, Italy; 2) M. Heratsi Yerevan State Medical University, Obstetrics and Gynecology Department No. 1, Yerevan, Republic of Armenia
Cervical cancer remains an important indicator of global health inequities. There are estimated 569,000 new cases and 310,000 deaths annually, among which approximately 85% occur in low- and middle-income countries. In developing countries, cervical cancer is often the most common cancer in women and can account for about 25% of all cancers in them. In 1996, the World Health Association recognized human papillomavirus (HPV) as an important cause of cervical cancer.
Materials and methods: The authors have analyzed the data available in the literature on studies of cervical cancer and HPV. The keywords have been used to search for data in international databases. A total of 31 sources were selected on relevant topics.
Conclusion: It should be noted that the problem of human papillomavirus infection in gynecology is still far from being solved, and many issues are the subject of ongoing investigations. The complexity of the problem involves mainly the significant prevalence of infection, the emergence of new HPV genotypes and the presence of considerable differences in their malignant potency, as well as changes in the strength of the patient’s antiviral immunity that determines the stability of cure or the onset of relapse. The accumulated knowledge about the mechanism of viral carcinogenesis in the development of dysplasia and cervical cancer necessitates further investigation to develop the most effective etiopathogenetic treatment regimens that are able to have a point effect at the genetic level.


cervical cancer
human papillomavirus
cervical intraepithelial neoplasia


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Received 10.09.2021

Accepted 10.11.2021

About the Authors

Gagik A. Beglaryan, International Medical School of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Milan, Milan 20090, Italy.
Armine G. Arutyunyan, MD, Professor, Head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology No. 1, M. Heratsi Yerevan State Medical University,
+37495111100,, Koryun str. 2, Yerevan 0025, RA.
Corresponding author: Armine G. Harutyunyan,

Authors' contributions: Beglaryan G.A. – review of literature, writing the text; Arutyunyan A.G. – material collection and processing, concept and design of the investigation.
Conflicts of interest: The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest.
Funding: The investigation has not been sponsored.
For citation: Beglaryan G.A., Arutyunyan A.G. The current concept of the role of papillomavirus infection in the development of cervical intraepitelial neoplasia.
Akusherstvo i Ginekologiya/Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2021; 12: 17-22 (in Russian)

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