The sexual health of gynecologic cancer patients

Solopova A.G., Dadak C., Vlasina A.Yu., Moskvicheva V.S., Idrisova L.E., Makatsariya A.D., Blbulyan T.A.

1) I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University), Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia; 2) University Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Vienna, Austria; 3) Mkhitar Heratsi Yerevan State Medical University, Yerevan, Armenia
Every year there is an increasing number of women with malignant neoplasms of the reproductive system. The problems that emerge during the diagnosis and treatment of cancer of female genital organs cause limitations in the implementation of sexual function, which negatively affects the physical and mental status of patients, lowering their quality of life. To date, insufficient attention has been paid to the sexual health of gynecologic cancer patients, although intimacy disorders, such as female sexual dysfunctions, are detected in most of them. This literature review analyzes foreign and Russian publications on the sexual health of patients with the most common types of gynecologic cancer. It presents the research results published in Pubmed, eLIBRARY, and Google Scholar over the past 10 years.


gynecologic oncology
sexual health
sexual function
female sexual dysfunction
quality of life


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Received 03.04.2019

Accepted 04.10.2019

About the Authors

Antonina G. Solopova, MD, PhD, Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Children’s Health Institute, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State
Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Sechenov University). Tel.: +7(916)6764845; e-mail:
Address: ul. Trubetskaya, 8-2, Moscow, Russia, 119991.
Christian Dadak, MD, Professor, University Clinic of obstetrics and gynecology, Center for teaching International postgraduate training in women‘s health.
Address: AKH, Währinger Gürtel 18-20/8C 1090 Vienna, Austria. Tel.: +43140400/29100; fax: +4314040027750. e-mail:
Anastasiya Yu.Vlasina, Postgraduate Student of Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Children’s Health Institute, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Sechenov University). Tel.: +7(925)5268166;e-mail:
Address: ul. Trubetskaya, 8-2, Moscow, Russia, 119991.
Viktoria S. Moskvichyova, Clinical resident of Department of Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Sechenov University). Tel.: +7(925)1290922; e-mail:
Address: ul. Trubetskaya, 8-2, Moscow, Russia, 119991.
Larisa E. Idrisova, PhD, Assistant of Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Children’s Health Institute, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University.
Tel.: +7(925)5447008; e-mail:
Address: ul. Trubetskaya, 8-2, Moscow, Russia, 119991.
Aleksandr D. Makatsariya, MD, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor, Head of Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Children’s Health Institute, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Sechenov University).
Tel.: +7(495)7885840; e-mail: Address: ul. Trubetskaya, 8-2, Moscow, Russia, 119991.
Tatevik A. Blbulyan, Assistant of Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Yerevan State Medical University n.a. Mkhitar Heratsi; Postgraduate Student of Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Children’s Health Institute, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
(Sechenov University). Tel.: +7(968)9090555; e-mail:
Address: Armeniya, Erevan 0025, ul. Koryuna, d. 2. Address: ul. Trubetskaya, 8-2, Moscow, Russia, 119991.

For citation: Solopova A.G., Dadak C., Vlasina A.Yu., Moskvicheva V.S., Idrisova L.E., Makatsariya A.D., Blbulyan T.A. The sexual health of gynecologic cancer patients.
Akusherstvo i Ginekologiya/Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2019; (10): 75-80. (in Russian).

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