Experience with a combination drug containing ternidazole in the treatment of bacterial vaginosis

Ulyanova I.O., Makarenko T.A., Kuznetsova D.E.

Department of Operative Gynecology, Institute for Postgraduate Education, Prof. V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
As bacterial vaginosis (BV) develops, opportunistic pathogens begin to prevail in the vaginal biocenosis, and it is important that BV-associated microbes are able to form hard biofilms that represent microbial communities. In this case, the bacteria are less susceptible to drugs, antiseptics, and immune defense factors, as they show quorum sensing-mediated signaling that can withstand aggressive agents and develop resistance to antibiotics. Moreover, the development of disease relapses is often associated with the presence of biofilms. This presents certain difficulties in treating BV.
Objective. Presentation of data on the use of the drug "Tergynan" in the treatment of BV.
Subjects and methods. The study covered 45 women aged 18 to 45 years with a confirmed diagnosis of BV. The diagnosis was based on complaints, the data of objective examination, laboratory tests using Amsel’s criteria, and those from investigations of the vaginal microbiocenosis by a real-time polymerase chain reaction assay (Inbioflor. Bacterial vaginosis). The patients received a cycle of treatment with a vaginal Tergynan tablet overnight for 9 days.
Results. Immediately after the performed therapy cycle, the quantity of Gardnerella vaginalis in the vaginal contents of the examined patients decreased sharply from 91.1% to 2.2%. There was also a change in the quantity of Atopobium vaginae (the detection rate decreased from 93.3% to 11.1%), since this microorganism is one of the key etiological causes of BV. In addition, before treatment, the allowable Mobiluncus spp. titer was found to exceed in most (95.6%) patients. After the treatment received, there was a steady-state positive effect (the detection rate decreased to 13.4% of cases). Furthermore, it is important that the concentration of Lactobacilli reached normal values in 97.7% of the cured patients.
Conclusion.This multicomponent drug contributes to the improved composition of the vaginal microflora, by eradicating the opportunistic pathogenic microflora. All the above allows Tergynan to be recommended for the widespread use in the treatment of BV.


bacterial vaginosis


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Received 03.02.2020

Accepted 07.02.2020

About the Authors

Inna O. Ulyanova, Ph. D., associate Professor of the Department of operative gynecology of the Institute of postgraduate education of the Krasnoyarsk state medical University named after prof. V. F. Voino-Yasenetsky of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation; Russia, 660022, Krasnoyarsk territory, Krasnoyarsk, partisan Zheleznyak str., 1; e-mail: inga_ulyanova@mail.ru; tel.: 8 (913) 534-97-33.
Tatjana А. Makarenko, MD, associate Professor, head of the Department of operative gynecology of the Institute of postgraduate education of the Krasnoyarsk state medical University named after prof. V. F. Voino-Yasenetsky of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation; 30, Lado Ketskhoveli street, 138, Krasnoyarsk,
660001, Russia; e-mail: makarenko7777@yandex.ru; tel.: 8 (904) 895-47-99.
Darja E. Kuznetsova, PhD, assistant of the Department of operative gynecology, Institute of postgraduate education,
660098, Krasnoyarsk, st. Aviatorov, 42, fl. 58. Email: dashsemch@mail.ru, tel.: 8-923-376-94-33.

For citation: Ulyanova I.O., Makarenko T.A., Kuznetsova D.E. Experience with a combination drug containing ternidazole in the treatment of bacterial vaginosis.
Akusherstvo i Ginekologiya/ Obstetrics and gynecology. 2020;2: 174-77. (In Russian).
https://dx.doi.org/10.18565/aig.2020.2. 174-177

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