Monochorionic-triplet pregnancy with twin reversed arterial perfusion syndrome

Pribushenya O.V., Lazarevich A.A.

“Mother and Child” Republican Research and Practical Center, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus, Minsk, Republic of Belarus
Background: Monochorionic-triplet pregnancies are rare clinical cases and this placentation type concurrent with congenital malformations in one of the fetuses causes difficulties in choosing obstetric tactics.
Case report: The paper describes three clinical cases of monochorionic-triplet pregnancy with twin reversed arterial perfusion syndrome. In one case, the pregnancy occurred after in vitro fertilization and transfer of two five-day embryos, which made it difficult to timely diagnose. The pregnancy was spontaneous in the other two cases. Two other pregnancies were spontaneous. All pregnancy cases were terminated due to the high risk of adverse obstetric complications. Pathological examination of the post-abortion material confirmed the prenatally established diagnosis. A molecular genetic study of the zygosity of the twins revealed that they were monozygotic.
Conclusion: Twin reversed arterial perfusion syndrome is associated with the high risk of adverse perinatal outcomes and the high rate of diagnostic errors for twins. In triplet pregnancies, the prognosis is poorer due to the high incidence of obstetric complications.


monochorionic-triplet pregnancy
twin reversed arterial perfusion syndrome
fetus acardius
pregnancy outcomes
in vitro fertilization


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Received 11.05.2021

Accepted 23.06.2021

About the Authors

Oksana V. Pribushenya, MD, PhD, Head of the Scientific Laboratory for Medical Genetics, Republic Scientific and Practical Center «Mather and Child», Ministry of Heath of the Republic of Belarus; Professor of the Department of Reproductive Health and Medical Genetic, BelMAPE, (37517)254-62-53, (37517) 233-85-13(Fax), +375296231255,,, eLibrary SPIN: 2707-1880, 220053, Orlovskaya str., 66, Minsk, Belarus.
Nastassia A. Lazarevich, Researcher at the Scientific Laboratory for Medical Genetics, Republican Scientific and Practical Centre «Mother and Child», Ministry of Heath of the Republic of Belarus; Assistant of the Department of the Reproductive Health and Medical Genetics, BelMAPE, +375296484485,, eLibrary SPIN: 6962-7502, 220053, Orlovskaya str., 66, Minsk, Belarus.

Authors’ contributions: Pribushenya O.V. – concept and design, writing the text and editing; Pribushenya O.V., Lazarevich A.A. – clinical material collection.
Conflicts of interest: The authors declare that there are no manifest and potential conflicts of interest, which are related to the publication of this article.
Funding: The investigation has not been sponsored.
Patient Consent for Publication: All patients provided informed consent for the publication of their data and associated images.
Authors' Data Sharing Statement: The data supporting the findings of this study are available on request from the corresponding author after approval from the principal investigator.
For citation: Pribushenya O.V., Lazarevich A.A. Monochorionic-triplet pregnancy
with twin reversed arterial perfusion syndrome.
Akusherstvo i Ginekologiya/Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2021; 11: 278-285 (in Russian) 278-285

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