Uterine myoma and adenomyosis: molecular characterization by steroid receptor gene expression

Shramko S.V., Gulyaeva L.F., Bazhenova L.G., Levchenko V.G.

1 Novokuznetsk State Institute for Postgraduate Training of Physicians; Branch, Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Professional Education, Ministry of Health of Russia; 2 Institute of Molecular Biology and Biophysics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Novosibirsk
Objective. To study the characteristics of endometrial and myometrial responses to steroid stimulation by determining the level of steroid receptor gene expression in the myomatous nodules, adenomyosis, and the surrounding myometrium in uterine myoma, combined and isolated adenomyosis.
Material and methods. Steroid receptor gene expression was comparatively analyzed in 48 patients with cellular myoma (n = 11), simple myoma (n = 15), adenomyosis (n = 12), and myoma concurrent with adenomyosis (n = 10). The investigators used uterine tissue samples removed during surgery, such as those of myomatous nodules, adenomyosis and their surrounding myometrium. The expression level of the studied genes was determined using real-time PCR. The latter employed sequence-specific primers for estrogen receptor and progesterone receptor genes.
Results. The level of steroid receptor gene expression in the nodules was 2-9 times greater than that in the myometrium. There was the highest expression of estrogen receptor genes in the nodules of patients with adenomyosis and the lowest one in those with simple myoma. The expression of progesterone receptor genes in the nodules and myometrium was determined to be highest in patients with cellular myoma and to be lowest in those with adenomyosis.
Conclusion. The foci of adenomyosis were characterized by the high expression of estrogen receptor genes with the insufficient expression of progesterone receptor genes. The significantly high level of estrogen receptor gene expression in the myometrium of patients with cellular myoma may have important pathogenetic value, by determining recurrence rates and propensity. The concurrent pathology was characterized by the equivalent and low expression of steroid receptor genes, which can explain the lack of therapeutic effects. The findings will assist in personifying therapeutic approaches to choosing treatment policy for patients with both combined and isolated benign proliferative uterine diseases.


uterine myoma
cellular uterine myoma
concurrent pathology
estrogen receptor genes
progesterone receptor genes
steroid receptor gene expression

Supplementary Materials

  1. Table. Indicators of expression of steroid receptor genes in comparison groups.


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Received 17.07.2017

Accepted 22.09.2017

About the Authors

Shramko Svetlana Vladimirovna, PhD (medical science), Associate Professor of Teaching assistant of Department of obstetrics and gynecology,
Novokuznetsk State Institute for Postgraduate Training of Physicians; Branch, Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Professional Education, Ministry of Health of Russia.
654005, Russia, Novokuznetsk, Stroiteley str. 5. Tel.: +73843324750. E-mail: shramko_08@mail.ru
Lyudmila Fedorovna Gulyaeva, PhD (Doctor of Biology), Professor, Institute of Molecular Biology and Biophysics.
630117, Russia, Novosibirsk, Timakov str. 2/12. Tel.: +73833064444. E-mail: gulyaeva@niimbb.ru
Bazhenova Lyudmila Grigoryevna, M.D. (Doctor of medical science), Professor, Head of Department of obstetrics and gynecology, Novokuznetsk State Institute
for Postgraduate Training of Physicians; Branch, Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Professional Education, Ministry of Health of Russia.
654005, Russia, Novokuznetsk, Stroiteley str. 5. Tel.: +73843324768. E-mail: l_bagenova@mail.ru
Levchenko Vladimir Grigorevich, PhD (medical science), Associate Professor of Teaching assistant of Department of Department of obstetrics and gynecology,
Novokuznetsk State Institute for Postgraduate Training of Physicians; Branch, Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Professional Education, Ministry of Health of Russia.
654005, Russia, Novokuznetsk, Stroiteley str. 5. Tel.: +73843324750. E-mail: vglev@yandex.ru

For citations: Shramko S.V., Gulyaeva L.F., Bazhenova L.G., Levchenko V.G. Uterine myoma and adenomyosis: molecular characterization by steroid receptor gene expression. Akusherstvo i Ginekologiya/Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2018; (4): 58-63. (in Russian)

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