Comprehensive rehabilitation in women after lateterm abortion for medical reasons

Kravchenko E.N., Kolombet E.V., Naboka M.V., Okhlopkov V.A., Lavrinenko I.A., Kuklina L.V.

1Omsk State Medical University, Omsk 644043, Lenin str. 12, Russia 2City Clinical Perinatal Center, Omsk 644043, Herzen’s str. 69, Russia
Objective. To evaluate the efficiency of a comprehensive approach to the rehabilitation of women after late-term induced abortion.
Subjects and methods. A total of 60 women at less than 22 weeks’ gestation were rehabilitated after termination of pregnancy for fetal congenital malformations incompatible with life. The women were divided into 2 groups: a study group, in which the developed comprehensive rehabilitation was carried out, and a comparison group, in which the measures were limited to regulatory documents.
Results. Delayed complications were observed in 13.3 and 40.0% of the women in the study and comparison groups, respectively (p = 0.041) (these in the study group were 3 times less frequently detected than in the comparison group); long-term sequences were seen in 10 and 53.3% of the examinees, respectively (p = 0,000); these in the study group were 5.3 times less often observed than in the comparison group).
Conclusion. The implementation of complex rehabilitation measures showed that delayed and late complications were observed 3 and 5.3 times more rarely, respectively, than the application of the traditional approach. The management tactics should include not only conventional therapy for complications, but also prophylactic use of contraceptives, suppression of lactation, donation of folic acid, and physiotherapy procedures.


late-term abortion
pregnancy termination


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Received 09.03.2017

Accepted 28.04.2017

About the Authors

Kravchenko Elena Nikolaevna, doctor of medical Sciences, Professor, head of Department of obstetrics and gynecology of postgraduate education,
Omsk State Medical University. 644043, Russia, Omsk, Lenin str. 12. Tel.: +73812230293, +79136208162. E-mail:
Kolombet Ekaterina Valerievna, post-graduate student of the Department of obstetrics and gynecology of postgraduate education, Omsk State Medical University.
644043, Russia, Omsk, Lenin str. 12. Tel.: +73812230293. E-mail:
Naboka Margarita Valerievna, Deputy head physician on organizational-methodical work, City Clinical Perinatal Center.
644043, Russia, Omsk, Herzen’s str. 69. E-mail:
Okhlopkov V.A., doctor of medical Sciences, Professor, acting rector, first Vice-rector of the Omsk state medical University, head of the Department of dermatology and cosmetology, Omsk State Medical University. 644043, Russia, Omsk, Lenin str. 12. Tel.: +73812233289. E-mail:
Lavrinenko Inna Aleksandrovna, candidate of medical Sciences, head the Department of physiotherapy, City Clinical Perinatal Center.
644043, Russia, Omsk, Herzen’s str. 69
Kuklina Larisa Vladimirovna, candidate of medical sciences, assistant of the Department of obstetrics and gynecology of postgraduate education,
Omsk State Medical University. 644043, Russia, Omsk, Lenin str. 12. Tel.: +73812230293, +79081032222. E-mail:

For citations: Kravchenko E.N., Kolombet E.V., Naboka M.V., Okhlopkov V.A., Lavrinenko I.A., Kuklina L.V. Comprehensive rehabilitation in women after lateterm abortion for medical reasons. Akusherstvo i Ginekologiya/Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2018; (1): 77-82. (in Russian)

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