Pharmacoeconomic analysis of the use of oral iron preparations for the treatment and prevention of iron-deficiency anemia in pregnancy

Gribkova I.V., Kholovnya-Voloskova M.E., Polyakova K.I., Stepanova .N., Dubovtseva V.A., Fisun A.G., Davydovskaya M.V., Ermolaeva T.N.

Research and Practical Center for Clinical Trials and Medical Technology Assessment, Moscow Healthcare Department, Moscow 121096, Minskaya str. 12, bld. 2, Russia
Iron-deficiency anemia (IDA) in pregnancy is currently an extremely relevant problem. Anemia can complicate the course of pregnancy and delivery, as well as be the cause of fetal malformations. The treatment of IDA in pregnancy is based on the use of iron preparations. The optimal drug choice consists of a set of criteria: the efficiency, tolerance, and cost of the entire cycle of therapy.
Objective. To carry out a comparative pharmacoeconomic analysis of Sorbifer Durules and other oral iron preparations for the treatment and prevention of IDA in pregnancy.
Material and methods. The pharmacoeconomic analysis method was a cost-effectiveness analysis. To construct models, the investigators used the published results of clinical trials comparing the efficiency of iron treatment in women suffering from IDA during pregnancy. For cost calculations, the average prices of iron preparations as of 26.01.2018 were taken from the website Pharmindex.rf. The average change in hemoglobin levels during treatment was used as a criterion of efficacy
Results. The cost-effectiveness values were calculated for iron preparations: Sorbifer Durules (40.43), Tardyferon (32.22), Ferrum Lek (63.72), Maltofer (57.60), Fenules (110.67), TOT’Hma (377.58), Ferro-Folgamma (107.56), Ferlatum (201.63), and Aktiferrin (66.79). Thus, Sorbifer Durules and Tardyferon have the lowest values.
Conclusion. The use of Sorbifer Durules and Tardyferon has the most favorable pharmacoeconomic profile for the treatment and prevention of IDA in pregnancy. Sorbifer Durules has an additional advantage since it is available among all oral iron preparations in the largest number of pharmacies.


iron deficiency anemia in pregnancy
iron preparations
cost-effectiveness analysis
Sorbifer Durules

Supplementary Materials

  1. Table 1. Costs and effectiveness of medical technologies used to treat and prevent iron deficiency anemia
  2. Table 2. The indicators "cost-effectiveness" for iron preparations according to the models №№ 1, 2, 3, 4
  3. Fig. 1. Cost-effectiveness analysis for Model No. 1
  4. Fig. 2. Cost-effectiveness analysis for Model No. 2
  5. Fig. 3. Cost-effectiveness analysis for Model No. 3
  6. Fig. 4. Cost-effectiveness analysis for Model No. 4
  7. Fig. 5. Averaging e nnye performance "cost - effectiveness b" for different iron preparations


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Received 16.02.2018

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About the Authors

Gribkova I.V., PhD, Leading Researcher of the Scientific and Clinical Department, Research and Practical Center for Clinical Trials and Medical Technology Assessment, Moscow Healthcare Department. 121096, Russia, Moscow, Minskaya str. 12, bld. 2. Tel.: +74991440030. E-mail:
Hołownia-Voloskova M.E., researcher of the Department of Drug Supply and Pharmacoeconomic Analysis, Research and Practical Center for Clinical Trials and Medical Technology Assessment, Moscow Healthcare Department. 121096, Russia, Moscow, Minskaya str. 12, bld. 2
Polyakova K.I., Junior researcher of the Department of Drug Supply and Pharmacoeconomic Analysis, Research and Practical Center for Clinical Trials and Medical Technology Assessment, Moscow Healthcare Department. 121096, Russia, Moscow, Minskaya str. 12, bld. 2
Stepanova V.N., Junior researcher of the Scientific and Clinical Department, Research and Practical Center for Clinical Trials and Medical Technology Assessment,
Moscow Healthcare Department. 121096, Russia, Moscow, Minskaya str. 12, bld. 2
Dubovtseva V.A., researcher of the Department of Drug Supply and Pharmacoeconomic Analysis, Research and Practical Center for Clinical Trials and Medical Technology Assessment, Moscow Healthcare Department. 121096, Russia, Moscow, Minskaya str. 12, bld. 2
Fisun A.G., Junior researcher of the Scientific and Clinical Department, Research and Practical Center for Clinical Trials and Medical Technology Assessment,
Moscow Healthcare Department. 121096, Russia, Moscow, Minskaya str. 12, bld. 2
Davydovskaya M.V., MD, deputy director for scientific work, Research and Practical Center for Clinical Trials and Medical Technology Assessment,
Moscow Healthcare Department; Professor of the Department of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Medical Genetics of N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University. 117997, Russia, Moscow, Ostrovitianov str. 1
Ermolaeva T.N., head of the Department of Drug Supply and Pharmacoeconomic Analysis, Research and Practical Center for Clinical Trials and Medical Technology Assessment, Moscow Healthcare Department. 121096, Russia, Moscow, Minskaya str. 12, bld. 2

For citations: Gribkova I.V., Kholovnya-Voloskova M.E., Polyakova K.I., Stepanova V.N., Dubovtseva V.A., Fisun A.G., Davydovskaya M.V., Ermolaeva T.N. Pharmacoeconomic analysis of the use of oral iron preparations for the treatment and prevention of iron-deficiency anemia in pregnancy. Akusherstvo i Ginekologiya/Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2018; (3): 138-45. (in Russian)

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