A modern approach to therapy for cyclic mastalgia in comorbid patients

Tazina T.V.

Academician I.P. Pavlov Ryazan State Medical University, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Ryazan, Russian Federation
Benign breast dysplasia is one of the most common abnormalities in the female population, which occurs mainly in reproductive-aged women usually with a concomitant gynecological and endocrine disease. The most common complaint in this category of patients is breast pain on one or both sides, which occurs in the second phase of the menstrual cycle and generally disappears immediately during menstruation or in the first days after its onset. There may be also independently detectable breast lumps and nipple discharge. At the same time, women do not always go timely to an obstetrician/gynecologist who engages in the breast as part of the reproductive system, considering this to be the norm. To date, long-term, uncorrected mastalgia is considered as an independent risk factor for breast cancer. In addition, some forms of mastopathy also have a high risk of malignant transformation, posing a threat to the patient's life. Therefore, in the context of the modern development of science and clinical practice, the mandatory criterion for high-quality health care for women is not only regular, age-appropriate screening for the breast, but also the absence of a neglectful attitude towards its benign disease.
Conclusion. Immediately initiated, pathogenetically justified treatment for benign breast disease, with the proven efficiency and influence on modifiable risk factors for hyperestrogenism that underlies the activation of proliferation processes of the ductal and intralobular epithelium of the breast, as well as an integrated approach to the patients, by taking into account gynecological and endocrine diseases, contribute not only to the elimination of complaints and the improvement of quality of life, but also are the basis for preventive medicine.


benign breast dysplasia
cyclic mastalgia
Indinol Forto


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Received 11.05.2021

Accepted 17.05.2021

About the Authors

Tatyana V. Tazina, Cand. Med. Sci, Assistant Professor of the Department of Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Additional Supplementary Professional Education, I.P. Pavlov Ryazan State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia. Tel.: +7(910)644-85-28. E-mail: tazina@inbox.ru. ORCID: 0000-0003-1029-0390, Researcher ID: D-7640-2018, SPIN: 7059-9793. 9 Vysokovoltnaya str., Ryazan, 390026, Russian Federation.

For citation: Tazina T.V. A modern approach to therapy for cyclic mastalgia in comorbid patients.
Akusherstvo i Ginekologiya/ Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2021; 5: 158-164 (in Russian)

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