Current antiviral therapy for genital herpes in non-pregnant and pregnant women
The paper determines the current features of antiviral therapy for genital herpes (GH) in non-pregnant and pregnant women and provides their clinical rationale. It is now recommended to increase the duration of acyclic nucleoside therapy for first-episode GH up to 10 days, by reducing the frequency of daily use and by choosing a drug with improved pharmacological characteristics (valacyclovir). Valacyclovir treatment for recurrences is performed within 3 days; suppressive therapy is done once daily. Such strategies are more convenient and cost-effective and should be considered as first-line options. The duration of antiviral therapy during pregnancy depends on the gestational age. The update of recommendations for antiviral therapy for GH is aimed at improving the compliance with GH treatment and its clinical efficiency.Dikke G.B., Bebneva T.N.
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Received 08.06.2018
Accepted 22.06.2018
About the Authors
Dikke, Galina B., doctor of medical sciences, associate professor, Professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology with a course of reproductive medicine,F.I. Inozemtsev Academy of Medical Education.
190013, Russia, St. Petersburg, Moscow Ave, 22, letter M. Tel.: +78123347650. E-mail: 0000-0001-9524-8962
Bebneva, Tamara N., Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Medicine, Faculty of Advanced Training for Medical Professionals, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Ministry of Education and Science.
117198, Russia, Moscow, Miklukho-Maklaya str. 21, bld. 3. Tel.: +79165181964. E-mail: 0000-0001-9524-8962
For citations: Dikke G.B., Bebneva T.N. Current antiviral therapy for genital herpes in non-pregnant and pregnant women. Akusherstvo i Ginekologiya/Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2018; (9): 145-50. (in Russian)