A lactational function rehabilitation system in women after extremely preterm labor

Shafieva K.A., Malgina G.B., Pestryaeva L.A., Mustafina M.Yu., Zakharova S.Yu., Shiryaeva E.K., Pepelyaeva N.A.

Ural Research Institute of Maternal and Infant Care, Ministry of Health of Russia, Ekaterinburg 620028, Repina str. 1, Russia
Objective. To evaluate the effectiveness of introducing a system for prevention of impairments in the formation of lactational function in women after extremely preterm labor (EPL).
Subjects and methods. A study group consisted of 20 patients who had given birth to their babies at 24–27/6 weeks of pregnancy and received lactational function rehabilitation. A comparison group included 20 patients after EPL without rehabilitation. A control group comprised 20 patients after term labor. The methods involved a lactation diary and breast milk biochemical tests at day 30 after childbirth.
Results. In the women who had received a set of rehabilitation after EPL, the volume of breast milk and the levels of total protein, albumin, lipids, glucose, and lactate were significantly higher and the electrolyte composition was better than in those who had not. According to its qualitative characteristics, the breast milk composition in puerperas with rehabilitation after EPL is similar to that in those after term labor.
Conclusion. Lactational function rehabilitation after EPL is required to create optimal conditions for the successful care of extremely premature newborns.


extremely preterm labor
breast milk
extremely low birth weight infants
breast feeding


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Received 10.11.2017

Accepted 22.12.2017

About the Authors

Shafieva, Ksenia A., graduate student, Ural Research Institute of Maternal and Infant Care, Ministry of Health of Russia. 620028, Russia, Ekaterinburg, Repina str. 1.
Теl.: +73433714293, +7904981889. Е-mail: ksusha8707@rambler.ru. ORCID ID 0000-0001-7438-7437
Malgina, Galina B., MD, ScD, Deputy Director (Scientific Director) of Institute, Ural Research Institute of Maternal and Infant Care, Ministry of Health of Russia.
620028, Russia, Ekaterinburg, Repina str. 1. Теl.: +73433714293, +79122435669. Е-mail: galinamalgina@mail.ru. ORCID ID 0000-0002-5500-6296
Pestryaeva, Lyudmila A., PhD, head of research department of biochemical research methods, Ural Research Institute of Maternal and Infant Care, Ministry of Health of Russia. 620028, Russia, Ekaterinburg, Repina str. 1. Теl.: +73433598190. Е-mail: pestryaeval@yandex.ru. ORCID ID 0000-0002-8281-7932
Mystafina, Maria Yu., researcher, neonatologist of the department of pathology of newborn and premature children, Ural Research Institute of Maternal and Infant Care, Ministry of Health of Russia. 620028, Russia, Ekaterinburg, Repina str. 1. Теl.: +73433748732. Е-mail: Maria_Fedosova@mail.ru. ORCID ID 0000-0002-3421-677Х
Zacharova, Svetlana Yu., MD, Professor, ScL, Ural Research Institute of Maternal and Infant Care, Ministry of Health of Russia.
620028, Russia, Ekaterinburg, Repina str. 1. Теl.: +73433748732
Shiryaeva, Elena K., PhD, head of the Department of pathology of newborns and premature babies № 1, Ural Research Institute of Maternal and Infant Care, Ministry
of Health of Russia. 620028, Russia, Ekaterinburg, Repina str. 1. Теl.: +73433748732. Е-mail: 48924@mail.ru
Pepelyaeva, Natalia A., PhD, head of the obstetric Department, Ural Research Institute of Maternal and Infant Care, Ministry of Health of Russia.
620028, Russia, Ekaterinburg, Repina str. 1. Теl.: +73433748732. E-mail: nataliapepelyaewa@yandex.ru

For citations: Shafieva K.A., Malgina G.B., Pestryaeva L.A., Mustafina M.Yu., Zakharova S.Yu., Shiryaeva E.K., Pepelyaeva N.A. A lactational function rehabilitation system in women after extremely preterm labor. Akusherstvo i Ginekologiya/Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2018; (8): 122-8. (in Russian)

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