Role of the vaginal microbiota in pregnant women after excision of the cervix uteri
Excision of the cervix uteri with a large volume of lost tissue is a risk factor for preterm birth (PB). Today, the role of a main mechanism is given to the reduced barrier function of the cervix rather than to its decreased mechanical support. Objective. To establish the role of abnormal vaginal microbiota was a risk factor for PB in pregnant women after excision of the cervix. Subjects and methods. A total of 314 pregnant women having a history of cervical excision were examined. All they underwent ultrasonic cervicometry and vaginal microbiota examination. Pregnancy outcomes (PB <37 weeks’ gestation) were assessed. Results. Abnormal vaginal microbiota (lactobacillary grades IIb and III) in pregnant women with a history of cervical excision was associated with a lower rate of PB (14%) than that in pregnant women without episodes of microbiota disorders during gestation (5.8%). The relative risk ((RR) of PB was significantly higher than that in pregnant women with cervical excision, but with the normal microbiota: RR, 2.4 (95% CI, 1.1-5.4). Conclusion. Abnormal vaginal microbiota in pregnant women with a history of cervical excision is a substantial risk factor for PB.Manukhin I.B., Firichenko S.V., Mikailova L.U., Mynbaev O.A.
Supplementary Materials
- Table 1. Proportion of preterm birth in women with cervical excision history, depending on the cervical length in the period of 16 weeks
- Table 2. The risk of preterm birth in pregnant women with cervical excision history, depending on the condition of the vaginal microbiota
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Received 03.02.2017
Accepted 17.02.2017
About the Authors
Manukhin Igor Borisovich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Medical Facultyof the Moscow State Medical and Dental University. 127473, Russia, Moscow, Delegatskaya str. 20/1. Tel.: +74991785971
Firichenko Sergey Viktorovich, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Medical Faculty
of the Moscow State Medical and Dental University. 127473, Russia, Moscow, Delegatskaya str. 20/1. E-mail:
Mikailova Louisa Ubahanovna, post-graduate student of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Medical Faculty of the Moscow State Medical and Dental University. 127473, Russia, Moscow, Delegatskaya str. 20/1
Mynbayev Ospan Abdrakhmanovich, MD, associate professor, chief researcher of the human physiology laboratory of the Moscow Institute of Physics
and Technology (State University). 141700, Russia, MO, Dolgoprudny, Institutsky per. 9. Tel.: +74954087381, +79161271546. E-mail:
For citations: Manukhin I.B., Firichenko S.V., Mikailova L.U., Mynbaev O.A. Role of the vaginal microbiota in pregnant women after excision of the cervix uteri. Akusherstvo i Ginekologiya/Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2017; (10): 41-6. (in Russian)