Results of the observational study EVA PLUS: Use of combined oral contraceptives with f olate in real clinical practice in Russia

Khamoshina M.B.

Medical Institute, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia
Objective. To estimate the level of satisfaction with the use of the contraceptive Yaz® Plus by women and physicians in real clinical practice.
Subjects and methods. A prospective, multicenter observational study was conducted in 1484 women over 18 years of the age, who used Yaz® Plus for contraception.
Results. The use of the contraceptive Yaz® Plus was accompanied by a high satisfaction by both women (4.7 points out of 5) and physicians (4.8 points out of 5). Medication adherence during a year of therapy was 88.9%. The total observational time was 1406.69 women-years of medication use. The incidence of adverse events (AEs) was one event per 8.85 women-years of use. During the study, 159 AEs were recorded in 113 (7.61%) women. Most of the AEs were classified as mild (n = 131) and moderate (n = 28) AEs in 97 (6.54%) and 23 (1.55%) women, respectively.
Conclusion. The use of Yaz® Plus prescribed for contraception in real clinical practice was accompanied by a high level of satisfaction. The choice of physicians who have recommended Yaz® Plus determines the contraceptive effectiveness of the medication and the possibility of everyday compensation for the optimal daily dose of folates.


Yaz® Plus
real clinical practice


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Received 15.03.2019

Accepted 20.03.2019

About the Authors

Khamoshina, Marina B., MD, professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Medical Institute, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia.
117198, Russia, Moscow, Miklukho-Maklaya str. 6.

For citation: Khamoshina M.B. Results of the observational study EVA PLUS: Use of combined oral contraceptives with f olate in real clinical practice in Russia. Akusherstvo i Ginekologiya/Obstetrics and Gynecology.2019; (3): 114-20. (in Russian)

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