Use of Mastodynon for the treatment of mastalgia in patients after augmentation mammoplasty

Burdina I.I., Rozhkova N.I., Zapirova S.B., Mazo M.L., Prokopenko S.P., Jacobs O.E.

1 National Center of Oncology of Reproductive organs named after P. A. Gertsen - branch of FSBI NMRRC of the Ministry of Health of Russia - branch of the national medical research center of radiology; 2 Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
Objective. To investigate the effectiveness of Mastodynon in women with benign breast diseases, which are accompanied by mastalgia after endoprosthetics of mammary glands for cosmetic purposes.
Subjects and methods. The effectiveness of therapy with the herbal preparation Mastodynon was evaluated in 42 women with symptoms of mastalgia after augmentation mammoplasty. The patients used the drug as cycles of 1 tablet twice daily over a 3-month period at a 2.5–3 month interval. To analyze the results, the patients were divided into 3 groups. The study was conducted for 1 year through comprehensive survey with a questionnaire every 6 months.
Results. After 6 months of Mastodynon intake, the questionnaire survey of patients showed varying degrees of positive results in 64.2% of cases. Following 1 year, the survey revealed a stable positive effect in 80.9% of cases.
Conclusion. Mastodynon showed a high effectiveness and a good tolerance in treating mastalgia in women after endoprosthetics of mammary glands for cosmetic purposes. The administration of Mastodynon improved quality of life in patients.




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Received 26.11.2018

Accepted 07.12.2018

About the Authors

Burdina, Irina I., PhD, senior research fellow, National Center of Oncology of Reproductive organs named after P. A. Gertsen, branch of "NMIC radiology"
Ministry of health of Russia.
125284, Russia, Moscow, 2-nd Botkinsky proezd str. 3. Tel: +79031715605. E-mail:
Zapirova, Samira B., PhD, senior research fellow, National Center of Oncology of Reproductive organs named after P. A. Gertsen, branch of "NMIC radiology"
Ministry of health of Russia.
125284, Russia, Moscow, 2-nd Botkinsky proezd str. 3. Tel.: +74951501122
Rozhkova, Nadezhda I., MD, professor, head of the National Center of Oncology of Reproductive organs named after P. A. Gertsen, branch of "NMIC radiology"
Ministry of health of Russia.
125284, Russia, Moscow, 2-nd Botkinsky proezd str. 3. Tel.: +74951501122; Professor of clinical mammology, radiology and radiotherapy department,
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
117485, Russia, Moscow, Profsoyuznaya str. 86. Tel.: +74955009894
Maso, Michail L., PhD, senior research fellow, National Center of Oncology of Reproductive organs named after P. A. Gertsen, branch of "NMIC radiology"
Ministry of health of Russia.
125284, Russia, Moscow, 2-nd Botkinsky proezd str. 3. Tel.: +74951501122
Prokopenko, Sergey P., PhD, professor, head of the Department of complex diagnostics and interventional radiology in mammology of the National Center
of Oncology of Reproductive organs named after P. A. Gertsen, branch of "NMIC radiology" Ministry of health of Russia.
125284, Russia, Moscow, 2-nd Botkinsky proezd str. 3. Tel.: +74951501122; Head of the department of Clinical mammology, radiodiagnosis and radiotherapy
of Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
117485, Russia, Moscow, Profsoyuznaya str. 86. Tel.: +74955009894
Jacobs, Olga E., PhD, senior research fellow, National Center of Oncology of Reproductive organs named after P. A. Gertsen, branch of "NMIC radiology"
Ministry of health of Russia.
125284, Russia, Moscow, 2-nd Botkinsky proezd str. 3. Tel.: +74951501122

For citations: Burdina I. I., Rozhkova N.I., Zapirova S.B., Mazo M.L., Prokopenko S.P., Jacobs O.E. Use of Mastodynon for the treatment of mastalgia in patients after augmentation mammoplasty. Akusherstvo i Ginekologiya/Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2018; (12): 164-70. (in Russian)

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