Antenatal colostrum expression: a modern view on the issue

Olina A.A., Yakubovskaya E.A.

D.O. Ott Research Institute of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproduction, St. Petersburg, Russia

Antenatal expression refers to the expression of colostrum before the onset of labor. Colostrum is a valuable concentrate of various substances which have a huge impact on the child’s health. The objective of antenatal colostrum expression is to obtain a safe alternative to formula milk in the case of indications for complementary feeding of the baby in the early neonatal period. Hormonal changes that occur in the body of a pregnant woman make it possible to receive colostrum even before childbirth. The composition of colostrum expressed before childbirth has its own characteristics that reflect its energy and immune value. Antenatal expression accelerates the transition to the second phase of lactogenesis, reduces postpartum breast engorgement, helps to avoid formula milk feeding, stabilizes glucose levels in the blood plasma of children who are at risk of hypoglycemia, and also it supports exclusive breastfeeding up to 6 months after birth. The issue of safety for the pregnant woman and fetus during antenatal expression is an important aspect. Different studies have shown that there are no risks for the mother and the fetus as well.
Conclusion: It is impossible to overestimate the importance of breastfeeding. However, the practical aspects and benefits of antenatal expression have not been completely described so far; there are no approved schemes for the beginning, duration and frequency of antenatal expression, and there is no approved list of contraindications to it. There are no articles in the Russian Federation on the practical use of antenatal expression. Therefore, this issue requires a more detailed study.

Authors’ contributions: Yakubovskaya E.A. – writing the text; Olina A.A. – editing the article.
Conflicts of interest: Authors declare lack of the possible conflicts of interests.
Funding: The study was conducted without sponsorship.
For citation: Olina A.A., Yakubovskaya E.A. Antenatal colostrum expression: a modern view on the issue.
Akusherstvo i Ginekologiya/Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2024; (1): 20-25 (in Russian)


antenatal preparation


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Received 08.11.2023

Accepted 14.12.2023

About the Authors

Anna A. Olina, Dr. Med. Sci., Professor, First Deputy Director, D.O. Ott Scientific-Researching Institute of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductology,
199034, Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Mendeleevskaya line, 3.
Ekaterina A. Yakubovskaia, obstetrician-gynecologist, Clinical-Diagnostic Department, D.O. Ott Scientific-Researching Institute of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductology,, 199034, Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Mendeleevskaya line, 3.
Corresponding author: Ekaterina A. Yakubovskaia,

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