Evaluation of the effect of vaginal lubricants on the vaginal mucosa, acid­base status, and the composition of the vaginal microbiome in reproductive-aged women

Oboskalova T.A., Pashkevich K.I., Sattarova V.V., Osipova O.A., Zvereva K.G.

1) Ural State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia, Yekaterinburg, Russia; 2) “Biorhythm Laboratory”, Yekaterinburg, Russia; 3) Outpatient Consulting Department, City Clinical Hospital N 40, Yekaterinburg, Russia
Objective. To compare the effect of various vaginal lubricant compositions used during sexual intercourse on the vaginal mucosa, acid-base status, and vaginal microbiome composition in reproductive-aged women.
Materials and methods. The vaginal epithelium, pH values in the vaginal environment, and the vaginal microbiome were assessed according to the additive contained in the lubricant regularly used by women of reproductive age (27.3±4.9 years) during sexual intercourse for three months.
Sixty study participants were divided into 4 groups of 15 women in each according to the type of a lubricant (an indifferent lubricant, lubricants containing colloidal silver, lactose, or lactic acid). The investigators used the following assessment methods: visual inspection to assess the color and moisture of the mucosa, its folds, the nature of leucorrhoea, and the existence of injury to the vaginal mucosa; Kolpo-test pH indicator test strips; as well as a real time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay using the Femoflor-4 system.
Results. The regular use of the studied lubricants by reproductive-aged women was found to keep the vaginal mucosa in its normal state, not to negatively affect the acid-base balance of the vaginal environment and the composition of the vaginal microbiome.
Conclusion. The use of a lubricant with an additive of colloidal silver and a prebiotic can significantly improve the status of the vaginal mucosa (p=0.032).


vaginal lubricant
status of the vaginal mucosa
acid-base status of the vaginal environment
vaginal microbiome


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Received 14.08.2020

Accepted 09.09.2020

About the Authors

Tatiana A. Oboskalova, Doctor of Medical Sciences, assistant professor, Head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Ural State University” of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.
Tel.: +7(343)214-86-52, +7(912)283-76-31. E-mail: oboskalova.tat@yandex.ru. 620028, Russian Federation, Yekaterinburg, Repin str., 3.
Kazimir I. Pashkevich, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, professor, Director Laboratory “Bioritm” LLC. Tel.: +7(343)214-80-50. E-mail: info@bioritm.ru.
620017, Russian Federation, Yekaterinburg, Frontovykh brigad str., 19, of. 235.
Valeria V. Sattarova, Chief Development Specialist, Laboratory “Bioritm” LLC. Tel.: +7(912)244-30-79. E-mail: SVV73@yahoo.com.
620017, Russian Federation, Yekaterinburg, Frontovykh brigad str., 19, of. 235.
Olga A. Ossipova, PhD in Chemistry, Leading Chemical Engineer Testing Laboratory, Laboratory “Bioritm” LLC. Tel.: +7(906)808-96-73. E-mail: formulator@bioritm.ru.
620017, Russian Federation, Yekaterinburg, Frontovykh brigad str., 19, of. 235.
Karina G. Zvereva, obstetrician-gynecologist, Municipal Autonomous Healthcare Institution “City Clinical Hospital № 40”.
Tel.: +7(343)297-98-61, +7(912)666-17-59. E-mail: Gushchina_karina@bk.ru. 620102, Russian Federation, Yekaterinburg, Volgogradskaya str., 189.

For citation: Oboskalova T.A., Pashkevich K.I., Sattatova V.V., Osipova O.A., Zvereva K.G. Evaluation of the effect of vaginal lubricants on the vaginal mucosa, acid-base status, and the composition of the vaginal microbiome in reproductive-aged women.
Akusherstvo i Ginekologiya/Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2020; 9: 159-170 (in Russian).

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