An interdisciplinary approach to treatment and delivery in a pregnant woman with acute pancreatitis complicated by pancreonecrosis
Background. To treat patients with pancreonecrosis remains one of the most difficult problems. According to autopsy data, the proportion of pancreatitis ranges from 0.18 to 6%; however, the disease is not always diagnosed in clinical practice. The prevalence of acute pancreatitis among pregnant women is 1 in 4000 women.Andreeva M.V., Popov A.S., Shevtsova E.P., Verovskaya T.A., Shklyar A.L., Tsybizov S.I.
Case report. The paper describes a case of acute pancreatitis and sterile pancreonecrosis that occurred in a patient at 27 weeks’ gestation. After emergency delivery, the patient’s condition remained critical due to extragenital diseases. The postpartum period was complicated by intra-abdominal bleeding as a result of spontaneous separation of a sigmoid-uterine adhesion from the body and uterine angle, which required surgical intervention.
Conclusion. The routing of a high-risk group of pregnant women, intensive combination treatment using high-tech methods in the context of interdisciplinary cooperation allowed a positive outcome to be achieved despite the nature of the disease.
acute pancreatitis
interdisciplinary approach
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Received 11.09.2020
Accepted 25.09.2020
About the Authors
Margarita V. Andreeva, Dr. Med. Sci., professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Volgograd State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia.Tel.: +7(8442)33-45-56. E-mail: 400131, Russia, Volgograd, area of the Fallen Fighters, 1.
Alexander S. Popov, MD, professor, Head of the Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, Transfusiology and Emergency Medicine, Institute of Continuing Medical and Pharmaceutical Education, Volgograd State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia. Tel.: +7(8442)58-30-50. E-mail:
400131, Russia, Volgograd, area of the Fallen Fighters, 1.
Elena P. Shevtsova, Cand. Med. Sci., Associate Professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Volgograd State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia. Tel.: +7(8442)33-45-56. E-mail: 400131, Russia, Volgograd, area of the Fallen Fighters, 1.
Tatyana A. Verovskaya, Head physician, Volgograd Regional Clinical Perinatal Center No 2, the chief obstetrician-gynecologist of the Health Committee of the Volgograd region. Tel.: +7(8442)99-07-00. E-mail: 400008, Russia, Volgograd, Marshala Vasilevskogo str., 70.
Alexei L. Shklyar, Deputy Chief Physician for clinical and expert work, Volgograd Regional Clinical Perinatal Center No 2. Tel.: +7(8442)34-12-30. E-mail:
400008, Russia, Volgograd, Marshala Vasilevskogo str., 70.
Sergey I. Tsybizov, Head of the Surgical Department, Clinical Emergency Medicine Clinic Hospital No. 25. Tel.: +7(8442)59-50-93. E-mail:
400138, Russia, Volgograd, Zemlyachki str., 74.
For citation: Andreeva M.V., Popov A.S., Shevtsova E.P., Verovskaya T.A., Shklyar A.L., Tsybizov S.I. An interdisciplinary approach to treatment and delivery in a pregnant woman with acute pancreatitis complicated by pancreonecrosis.
Akusherstvo i Ginekologiya/Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2020; 12: 218-222 (in Russian)