Combination therapy for bacterial vaginosis in women of different age groups

Levochkina L.N., Varda S.V.

City Clinical Hospital Eleven, Ryazan 390037, Novoselov str. 26/17, Russia
Objective. To comparatively analyze the diagnosis and treatment of bacterial vaginosis (BV) with the combination drug clindamycin + butoconazole (clindacin B prolong) in women of reproductive age and in menopause.
Subjects and methods. This investigation enrolled 64 non-pregnant women of reproductive age and in menopause. All the patients were diagnosed with bacterial vaginosis and treated with the combination drug clindamycin + butoconazole (clindacin B prolong).
Results. The combination drug clindamycin + butoconazole (clindacin B prolong) showed good tolerability and high efficacy in treating BV in women of reproductive age and in menopause.
Conclusion. The combination drug clindamycin + butoconazole (clindacin B prolong) is equally effective in treating BV in women of different age groups.


bacterial vaginosis
reproductive age
clindacin B prolong

Supplementary Materials

  1. Table. A comparative analysis of the effectiveness of the combined clindamycin + butoconazole (clindacine B prolong) in women of different age groups


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Received 08.12.2017

Accepted 22.12.2017

About the Authors

Levochkina Larisa Nikolaevna, head of the City Clinical Hospital Eleven.
390037, Russia, Ryazan, Novoselov str. 26/17. Tel.: +79105066069, +74912416585. E-mail:
Varda Svetlana Viktorovna, obstetrician-gynecologist of the City Clinical Hospital Eleven.
390037, Russia, Ryazan, Novoselov str. 26/17. Tel.: +79537471055. E-mail:

For citations: Levochkina L.N., Varda S.V. Combination therapy for bacterial vaginosis in women of different age groups. Akusherstvo i Ginekologiya/Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2018; (2): 131-4. (in Russian)

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