Endocrine aspects of management of patients with vaginal infections

Andreeva E.N., Absatarova Yu.S.

1 National Medical Research Center of Endocrinology, Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow, Russia; 2 Department of Reproductive Medicine and Surgery, A.I. Evdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow, Russia
The paper reviews of literature on the relationship between endocrine diseases and vulvovaginal infections, on the characteristics of the vaginal microbiota and on the impact of hormonal fluctuations on it. It discusses the pathogenesis of vulvar and vaginal inflammatory processes in diabetes mellitus and impaired microbiocenosis in the genital organs in stress, hypercorticism, and obesity, as well as alternative treatment modalities for chronic recurrent infectious diseases. The paper reflects the main points of the clinical guidelines of the International Union against Sexually Transmitted Infections (IUSTI)/World Health Organization (WHO), 2018 for the management of patients with abnormal discharge from the genital tract.


vulvovaginal infections
vaginal microbiota
diabetes mellitus
bacterial vaginosis


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Received 11.03.2019

Accepted 22.03.2019

About the Authors

Andreeva, Elena N., MD, professor, deputy director of the Center - director of the Institute of Reproductive Medicine, Endocrinology Research Center.
117036, Russia, Moscow, Dmitry Ulyanova str. 11; professor of the Department of Reproductive Medicine and Surgery, Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry (MSUMD). Tel.: +74991267544. E-mail: endogin@mail.ru. https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8425-0020
Absatarova, Yulia S., researcher of the Medical and Diagnostic Department of Endocrine Gynecology, Endocrinology Research Center.
117036, Russia, Moscow, Dmitry Ulyanova str. 11. Email: korsil2008@yandex.ru. https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0696-5367

For citation: Andreeva E.N., Absatarova Yu.S. Endocrine aspects of management of patients with vaginal infections. Akusherstvo i Ginekologiya/Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2019; (3): 141-6. (in Russian)

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