Дифференцированный подход к выбору терапии у женщин с аномальными маточными кровотечениями

Соловьева А.В., Ермоленко К.С.

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Ministry of Education and Science, Moscow 117198, Miklukho-Maklaya str. 8, Russia
Objective. To review published scientific papers in order to analyze an evidence base for a strategy for choosing therapy in women with abnormal uterine bleeding (AMC), obesity, and smoking.
Material and methods. Foreign and Russian articles published in the past 7 years and selected in Pubmed were used.
Results. The types of AMC were analyzed in relation to its etiological factors. Different methods for treating patients with uterine bleeding varying in severity were comparatively analyzed.
Conclusion. It is appropriate to concomitantly use dydrogesterone and tranexamic acid in phase 2 of the menstrual cycle during 3-4 menstrual cycles in women who smoke and/or in those with obesity and AMC.


abnormal uterine bleeding
tranexamic acid

Supplementary Materials

  1. Table. Classification of the causes of abnormal uterine bleeding in women of reproductive age [1]


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Received 08.12.2017

Accepted 22.12.2017

About the Authors

Solovyeva Alina Viktorovna, MD Professor of the Department of Obstetrics Gynecology with a course of perinatology, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia,
Ministry of Education and Science of Russia. 117198, Russia, Moscow, Miklukho-Maklaya str. 8. Tel.: +79854477928
Ermolenko Kristina Stanislavovna, Candidate of Medical Science, Assistant of the Department of Obstetrics of Gynecology and Perinatology,
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Ministry of Education and Science of Russia. 117198, Russia, Moscow, Miklukho-Maklaya str. 8. Tel.: +79197664984

For citations: Solovyeva A.V., Ermolenko K.S. Differentiated approach
to choosing therapy for women with abnormal uterine bleeding.
Akusherstvo i Ginekologiya/Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2018; (3): 157-60. (in Russian)

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