Possibilities of echography in determining the weight of an extreme large fetus

Derkatch E.A., Guseva O.I.

1) Dzerzhinsk Perinatal Center; 2) Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Volga Research Medical University, Nizhny Novgorod
Objective. To estimate the accuracy of determining the weight of an extremely large fetus using the. Faschingbauer equation and the computer program developed by V.N. Demidov.
Material and methods. The weight of 10 giant fetuses was calculated. The time that elapsed since the last study before the birth of a fetus ranged within 0-5 days.
Results. The error in calculating the fetal weight, by using the computer program by V.N. Demidov and the Faschingbauer equation was 269.2 and 345.8 g, respectively. The difference between them was 76.6 or 28.5%. The error greater than 500 g made using the computer program was observed less frequently in 20% of cases than that with the equation in 25%. The permissible error not exceeding the true fetal weight more than 10% in the application of the computer program and the equation was noted in 20 and 25% of cases, respectively. Calculation of the weight of an extremely large fetus proved to be impossible in 20% cases.
Conclusion. The computer program elaborated by V.N. Demidova is a reliable method for determining the weight of an extremely large fetus and can be recommended for its widespread use in clinical practice.


extremely large fetus
fetal weight


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Received 24.10.2018

Accepted 07.12.2018

About the Authors

Derkatch, Elena A., ultrasound diagnostic doctor, Dzerzhinsk Perinatal Center. 606033, Russia, Dzerzzhinsk, Ciolkovskogo str., 89. Tel.: +78313394801.
E-mail: derkachea@inbox.ru
Guseva, Olga I., MD, professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Privolzhsky Research Medical University» of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Nizhny Novgorod, 603005, Minin and Pozharsky sg., 10-1. Tel.: +79107914283. Email: alise52@yandex.ru

For citations: Derkatch E.A., Guseva O.I. Possibilities of echography in determining the weight of an extreme large fetus. Akusherstvo i Ginekologiya/Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2019; (5): 133-6. (in Russian)

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