The polymorphic locus rs314276 of the LIN28B gene is associated with the age of menarche in women of the Central Black Earth Region of Russia

Ponomarenko I.V., Reshetnikov E.A., Polonikov A.V., Churnosov M.I.

1 Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod, Russia; 2 Kursk State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia, Kursk, Russia
Objective. To study the associations of polymorphic loci of the LIN28B gene with age of menarche in the Russian women of the Central Black Earth Region of the Russian Federation.
Subjects and methods. The study sample comprised 696 women. The polymorphic loci rs4946651, rs7759938, rs314280, and rs314276 of the LIN28B gene were genotyped.
Results. The polymorphism rs314276 in the LIN28B gene was established to be associated with the age of menarche in the Russian women of the Central Black Earth Region of the Russian Federation: menarche occurs 0.18 years later in women with the A/A and C/A genotypes than in those with the C/C genotype. The study showed the important regulatory value of the polymorphism rs314276 of the LIN28B gene (located in the region of histones labelling promoters and enhancers in different tissues and affects affinity for the regulatory motifs of DNA to 3 transcription factors: OTX, HNF1_7, and Pou2f2_known5) and its significant association with the level of expression of the LIN28B gene in the pituitary gland.
Conclusion. The polymorphic locus rs314276 of the LIN28B gene is associated with the age of menarche in the Russian women of the Central Black Earth Region of the Russian Federation, has a significant regulatory potential and is linked with the expression of the LIN28B gene in the pituitary gland.


age of menarche
regulatory potential
gene expression


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Received 21.02.2018

Accepted 02.03.2018

About the Authors

Ponomarenko, Irina V., MD, associate professor of the Department of Biomedical Disciplines of the Medical Institute, Belgorod State National Research University.
308015, Russia, Belgorod, Pobedy str. 85. Tel.: +74722301383. E-mail:
Reshetnikov, Еvgeny А., MD, associate professor of the Department of Biomedical Disciplines of the Medical Institute, Belgorod State National Research University.
308015, Russia, Belgorod, Pobedy str. 85. Tel.: +74722301383. E-mail:
Polonikov, Alexey V., MD, professor, head of the Department of Biology, Medical Genetics and Ecology , Kursk State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia. 305041, Russia, Kursk, K. Marx str. 3. Tel.: +74712588147. E-mail:
Churnosov, Mikhail I., MD, professor, head of the Department of Biomedical Disciplines Medical Faculty, Belgorod State National Research University.
308015, Russia, Belgorod, Pobedy str. 85. Tel.: +74722301383. E-mail:

For citations: Ponomarenko I.V., Reshetnikov E.A., Polonikov A.V., Churnosov M.I. The polymorphic locus rs314276 of the LIN28B gene is associated with the age of menarche in women of the Central Black Earth Region of Russia. Akusherstvo i Ginekologiya/Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2019; (2): 98-104. (in Russian)

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