Experience of using the immunomodulator in the therapy of papillomavirus infection of genitalia in women

Borovikov I.O., Kutsenko I.I., Gorring C.I.

Kuban State Medical University, Krasnodar, Ministry of Health of Russia, Krasnodar 350063, М. Sedina str. 4, Russia
Objective. Evaluation of the clinical efficacy and immunologic therapy of genital human papillomavirus infection in women using Galavit.
Subjects and methods. The prospective observational study of the treatment results of 90 women, sick vulvovaginal condyloma: Group I (45 patients)-destruction of warts + Galavit rectal dose 100 mg 1 time per day for 10 days; Group II (45 patients) is only destructive therapy. Vagino-colposcopy, Pap-test, Digene HPV test used. Performance criteria: Changing the clinical picture (lack of papillomavirus infection), Pap- and Digene-negativation.
Results. Found that the combination therapy (destruction of warts + Galavit) increases the clinical efficacy of HPV infection therapy vulvovaginal zone in 3.7 times, and microbiological – 2.6 times.
Conclusion. Complex method of treatment with combined use of destructive therapy on rectal introduction immunomodulator with anti-inflammatory activity – Galavit in comparison with isolated using only destruction genital warts has higher clinical and microbiological efficiency.


vulvovaginal genital warts
HPV vaccines
amino dihydrophthalazinedione sodium

Supplementary Materials

  1. Table 1. Dynamics of the concentration of cytokines in cervical mucus in women in the study groups (M ± m ; P)
  2. Fig. 1. Distribution of HPV types in groups
  3. Fig. 2. Proportion of patients with relapsed condylomas in the groups during the observation period
  4. Fig. 3. Dynamics of PAP-positive patients in treatment groups
  5. Fig. 4. Comparison of the levels of major classes of cytokines in the cervical mucus of patients with HPV infection to her second and healthy women


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Received 08.12.2017

Accepted 22.12.2017

About the Authors

Borovikov Igor O., MD, PhD, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Kuban State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia.
350063, Russia, Krasnodar, Sedina str. 4. E-mail: bio2302@gmail.com
Kutsenko Irina I., MD, Professor, Head of Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Kuban State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia.
350063, Russia, Krasnodar, Sedina str. 4
Gorring Chava Israilovna, graduate student, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Kuban State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia.
350063, Russia, Krasnodar, Sedina str. 4

For citations: Borovikov I.O., Kutsenko I.I., Gorring C.I. Experience of using the immunomodulator in the therapy of papillomavirus infection of genitalia in women.
Akusherstvo i Ginekologiya/Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2018; (3): 122-8. (in Russian)

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