Experience of clinical application of the Vapigel prebiotic in combined two-stage therapy of bacterial vaginosis in reproductive-aged women

Belyakina I.V., Galkina I.S., Shobolov D.L., Shtykunova E.V., Arantseva D.A.

1) Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Center, Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow, Russia; 2) Kars Medical Center, Moscow, Russia; 3) DNA-Technology LLC, Moscow, Russia; 4) Kinetic-Pharm LLC, Solnechnogorsk, Russia

Objective: To evaluate the clinical and laboratory parameters of women with bacterial vaginosis before and after two-stage therapy with prebiotic vaginal gel.
Materials and methods: Twenty patients with bacterial vaginosis aged 28–46 years (median 37±9) were examined and treated in two stages. Vapigel was prescribed at the second stage of treatment for bacterial vaginosis (after antibiotic therapy) at a dose of one tube once a day (before bedtime) for seven days intravaginally. Clinical and laboratory parameters were evaluated before treatment (Visit 0), on days 8+2 from the beginning of the course of treatment with Vapigel (Visit 1) and on days 30+2 after the end of the second stage of treatment (Visit 2).
Results: There was a positive dynamics of clinical symptoms immediately after the end of therapy (Visit 1) and after 30 days (Visit 2). After the patients received the two-stage therapy with Vapigel prebiotic, the frequency of detection of Lactobacillus spp. in the concentration of 106 CFU/ml increased to 60% by Visit 1 and to 90% by Visit 2. The proportion of patients with clinically significant amounts of facultative and obligate anaerobic microorganisms tended to decrease immediately after the end of two-stage treatment and a month later. During the month after the end of the course of therapy, there were no clinical signs of a recurrence of bacterial vaginosis in 19/20 (95%) women; normal flora was confirmed 30 days after the end of treatment in 18/20 (90%) women.
Conclusion: The use of the Vapigel prebiotic intravaginally is beneficial for restoring the microbiocenosis of the vaginal microflora at the second stage of therapy of bacterial vaginosis. It is necessary to study the possibility of using Vapigel as a monotherapy for bacterial vaginosis as an important component in the system of measures aimed at reducing the use of antimicrobial drugs in routine clinical practice.

Authors’ contributions: Shobolov D.L., Shtykunova E.V., Galkina I.S. – developing the concept and design of the study; 
Belyakina I.V., Shtykunova E.V. – collection and analysis of the data, statistical processing; Shtykunova E.V. – writing the article; Arantseva D.A. – editing the article; Shobolov D.L., Shtykunova E. V., Galkina I.S., Belyakina I.V., Arantseva D.A. – approval of the final version of the article.
Conflicts of interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Funding: The clinical study was funded by Kinetic-Pharm LLC. Post-marketing clinical studies were conducted for the registered Vapigel drug.
Ethical Approval: The study was approved by the Ethical Review Board of the Kars Medical Center.
Patient Consent for Publication: The patients provided an informed consent for the publication of their data.
Authors' Data Sharing Statement: The data supporting the findings of this study are available on request from the corresponding author after approval from the principal investigator.
For citation: Belyakina I.V., Galkina I.S., Shobolov D.L., Shtykunova E.V., Arantseva D.A. Experience of clinical application of the Vapigel prebiotic in combined two-stage therapy of bacterial vaginosis in reproductive-aged women. Akusherstvo i Ginekologiya/Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2023; (11): 170-178 (in Russian)


bacterial vaginosis
two-stage therapy
prebiotic gel
vaginal microbiocenosis
facultative anaerobic and obligate anaerobic microorganisms


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Received 12.10.2023

Accepted 14.11.2023

About the Authors

Irina V. Belyakina, Ph.D., gynecologist, obstetrician, Associate Professor at the Department of Women's Diseases and Reproductive Health of the Institute for Advanced Medical Studies, N.I. Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Center, 105203, Russia, Moscow, Nizhnyaya Pervomaiskaya str., 70; Kars Medical Center,
127434, Russia, Moscow, Dmitrovskoye shosse, 21A, +7(916)614-64-00, doctorbelyakina@mail.ru
Irina S. Galkina, Ph.D., Marketing Director, DNA-Technology LLC, 117587, Russia, Moscow, Varshavskoye sh., 125Zh, bldg. 6, +7(495)980-45-55, Galkina@dna-technology.ru
Dmitry L. Shobolov, Ph.D., General Director, Kinetiс-Pharm LLC, 141560, Russia, Moscow Region, Solnechnogorsk, md. Dedeshino (village Alabushevo), 7,
+7(903)721-56-70, shobolov@kineticpharm.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2522-0582
Elena V. Shtykunova, Ph.D., Medical Director, Kinetic-Pharm LLC, 141560, Russia, Moscow Region, Solnechnogorsk, md. Dedeshino (village Alabushevo), 7,
+7(916)086-17-48, keen_272001@mail.ru
Diana A. Arantseva, Head of the Laboratory of Parenteral Dosage Forms and Delivery Systems, Kinetic-Pharm LLC,
141560, Russia, Moscow Region, Solnechnogorsk, md. Dedeshino (village Alabushevo), 7, arantseva@kineticpharm.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0920-6921

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