Pelvic nerve-sparing surgery using a water-jet dissector
This paper provides a systematic analysis of the data available in the modern literature, which describe experience with the water-jet dissection technique in pelvic surgery. In recent years, nerve-sparing approaches have been actively elaborated and studied in the surgical treatment of cancer of the rectum, prostate, and cervix uteri. Preservation of the pelvic autonomic nerve plexuses has been proven to significantly reduce the incidence of lower urinary tract dysfunctions in men and women. However, despite the accumulated experience in nerve-sparing surgery, the rate of postoperative complications has remained unsatisfactory. In recent years, the tissue dissection technique using a water-jet dissector has been studied in pelvic surgery. The main advantage of this technique is the selective isolation and preservation of nerve fibers with minimal deformation of the surrounding tissues. The use of a water jet allows the most delicate separation of tissues without thermal damage.Meshkova M.A., Mukhtarulina S.V., Anpilogov S.V., Khadzhieva A.I., Novikova E.G., Kaprin A.D.
Conclusion. Thus, the elaboration and introduction of new functional approaches into clinical practice will be able to reduce the incidence of complications and to simplify the surgical team’s work.
nerve-sparing surgery
water-jet dissector
pelvic autonomic nerve plexuses
nerve-sparing radical hysterectomy
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Received 19.06.2020
Accepted 26.10.2020
About the Authors
Maria A. Meshkova, Clinical Resident, P.A. Hertsen Moscow Oncology Research Center – branch of FSBI NMRRC, Ministry of Health of Russia.Tel.: +7(937)065-81-20. E-mail: 125284, Russia, Moscow, 2nd Botkinsky str., 3.
Svetlana V. Muhtarulina, MD, Head of the Oncogynecology Department, P.A. Hertsen Moscow Oncology Research Center – branch of FSBI NMRRC, Ministry of Health of Russia. Tel.: +7(916)148-27-13. E-mail: 125284, Russia, Moscow, 2nd Botkinsky str., 3.
Sergei V. Anpilogov, PhD, Research Associate of the Oncogynecology Department, P.A. Hertsen Moscow Oncology Research Center – branch of FSBI NMRRC, Ministry of Health of Russia. 125284, Russia, Moscow, 2nd Botkinsky str., 3.
Aiset I. Khadzieva, junior researcher of the Center laser and photodynamic diagnosis and treatment of tumors, P.A. Hertsen Moscow Oncology Research Center – branch of FSBI NMRRC, Ministry of Health of Russia. Tel.: +7(964)074-22-28. E-mail: 125284, Russia, Moscow, 2nd Botkinsky str., 3.
Elena G. Novikova, MD, professor, Honoured Science Worker of Russian Federation, Deputy Head of the Oncogynecology Department, P.A. Hertsen Moscow Oncology Research Center – branch of FSBI NMRRC, Ministry of Health of Russia. 125284, Russia, Moscow, 2nd Botkinsky str., 3.
Andrei D. Kaprin, General Director of FSBI NMRRC, Ministry of Health of Russia, Director of P.A. Hertsen Moscow Oncology Research Center.
125284, Russia, Moscow, 2nd Botkinsky str., 3.
For citation: Meshkova M.A., Mukhtarulina S.V., Anpilogov S.V., Khadzhieva A.I., Novikova E.G., Kaprin A.D. Pelvic nerve-sparing surgery using a water-jet dissector.
Akusherstvo i Ginekologiya/Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2021; 1: 35-43 (in Russian)