Microbiocenosis and the local vaginal immune status
The literature review presents current data on the role of the vaginal microflora for providing colonization resistance. It highlights the pathogenetic aspects of impaired vaginal microbiocenosis and the occurrence of bacterial vaginosis, the interaction between the microbiota of the vaginal mucosa and the cells of the immune system. It also discusses the role of the microbial community in regulating the intercellular interaction and activation of protective mechanisms through the synthesis of biologically active substances, cytokines in particular. The review is concerned with the role of bacterial vaginosis in the activation of the proinflammatory potential of the vaginal mucosa. There are data on the role of certain types of microorganisms in increasing the proinflammatory potential of the vaginal mucosa. The review describes the existing methods for the local assessment of immunological parameters, including molecular biological ones, which makes it possible to expand the notion of immune processes and to assist in diagnosing and treating the disease. The article presents current therapeutic methods for the treatment of bacterial vaginosis.Kira E.F., Khalturina Yu.V.
Conclusion. Effective therapy for bacterial vaginosis is an essential condition for the normalization of the immunological parameters of the mucous membrane. Laboratory confirmation of the effect of drugs on the regulation of cytokines is a powerful argument confirming the efficiency of therapy not only at the microbiological level, but also at immunological level.
bacterial vaginosis
immune status
combined drug
intercellular interaction
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Received 24.02.2021
Accepted 13.04.2021
About the Authors
Evgeny F. Kira, Dr. Med. Sci., Professor, Head of the Department of Female Diseases and Reproductive Health of the Institute for Advanced Medical Studies, N.I. Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Center, Ministry of Health of Russia. Tel.: +7(499)464-53-87. E-mail: profkira33@gmail.com. ORCID: 0000-0002-1376-7361.105203, Russia, Moscow, Nizhnyaya Pervomayskaya str., 65.
Yulija V. Khalturyna, graduate student of the Institute for Advanced Medical Studies, N.I. Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Center, Ministry of Health of Russia.
Tel.: +7(499)464-53-87. E-mail: julia.vladimirovna.103@gmail.com. ORCID: 0000-0001-6853-8518. 105203, Russia, Moscow, Nizhnyaya Pervomayskaya str., 65
For citation: Kira E.F., Khalturina Yu.V. Microbiocenosis and the local vaginal immune status.
Akusherstvo i Ginekologiya/Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2021; 8: 26-31 (in Russian)