Clinical observation of a patient with eclampsia

Kurtser М.А., Spiridonova E.I., Khvatova A.V., Konoplev B.A., Bagdasaryan P.M., Kambiev R.L., Markov D.V., Kutakova Yu.Yu., Semenova T.Yu., Petrulevich R.A., Medvedskaya A.K.

1) Mother and Child Group of Companies, Moscow, Russia; 2) Lapino Clinical Hospital, Mother and Child Group of Companies, Moscow region, Russia

Background: The prevalence of preeclampsia ranges from 2 to 24% of all births, eclampsia from 0.03 to 0.1%. These conditions are responsible for the highest number of maternal morbidity and mortality cases. Eclampsia is the most severe, critical form, proceeding with the development of post-eclamptic coma and other serious complications.
Case report: A 32-year-old patient presented at the emergency department of the Lapino Clinical Hospital with complaints of headache and vomiting. On admission, blood pressure (BP) was 170/100 mmHg. Magnesium therapy, nifedipine 10 mg 2 tablets orally, was started in the emergency department. Her condition worsened 1 hour 15 minutes after admission to the intensive care unit: BP level increased to 200/100 mmHg, and the patient experienced clonic convulsions. Due to the development of eclampsia, the decision was made to perform an emergency caesarean section. External drainage of the lateral cerebral ventricle was performed 12 hours after delivery. A range of therapeutic interventions were administered, including magnesium, anticonvulsant, antibacterial, hepatoprotective, antihypertensive, nootropic, neurometabolic, anticoagulant, as well as correction of hypoproteinemia and anemia. The patient was transferred to the neurology department on the 54th day after delivery and discharged home with recommendations on the 69th day. Currently, she undergoes an active rehabilitation process with a very positive dynamic.
Conclusion: The timely diagnosis of eclampsia complications, the management of patients with eclampsia, and the administration of adequate therapy should be carried out in a hospital with multidisciplinary teams, and using a multidisciplinary approach, which allows high rehabilitation results to be achieved.

Authors' contributions: Kurtser M.A., Spiridonova E.I., Khvatova A.V. – developing the concept and design of the study; Konoplev B.A., Markov D.V. – collecting and processing the material; Kutakova Yu.Yu., Petrulevich R.A. – statistical processing of the data; Semenova T.Yu., Medvedskaya A.K. – writing the text; Bagdasaryan P.M., Kambiev R.L. – editing the article.
Conflicts of interest: The authors declare no possible conflicts of interest.
Funding: The study was conducted without sponsorship.
Patient Consent for Publication: The patient’s relatives signed an informed consent for publication of the data in anonymized form.
For citation: Kurtser М.А., Spiridonova E.I., Khvatova A.V., Konoplev B.A., Bagdasaryan P.M., Kambiev R.L., Markov D.V., Kutakova Yu.Yu., Semenova T.Yu., Petrulevich R.A., Medvedskaya A.K. 
Clinical observation of a patient with eclampsia.
Akusherstvo i Ginekologiya/Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2025; (1): 145-149 (in Russian)


ventricular drainage


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Received 05.08.2024

Accepted 27.12.2024

About the Authors

Mark A. Kurtser, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor, Dr. Med. Sci., General Director,
Mother and Child Group of Companies, 117335, Russia, Moscow, Sevastopolsky Ave., 24-1, +7(903)130-56-47,
Elena I. Spiridonova, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, PhD, Chief Physician, Lapino Clinical Hospital, 143081, Russia, Moscow region, Lapino,
1st Uspenskoe highway, 111, +7(916)673-03-78,
Anastasia V. Khvatova, PhD, Head of the Operating Unit, Lapino Clinical Hospital, 143081, Russia, Moscow region, Lapino, 1st Uspenskoe highway, 111,
Boris A. Konoplev, General Director, Lapino Clinical Hospital, 143081, Russia, Moscow region, Lapino, 1st Uspenskoe highway, 111, +7(926)263-80-08,
Petros M. Bagdasaryan, PhD, Deputy Chief Physician for Anesthesia and Resuscitation, Lapino Clinical Hospital, 143081, Russia, Moscow region, Lapino,
1st Uspenskoe highway, 111, +7(909)155-34-96,
Renat L. Kambiev, PhD, Head of the Department of Neurosurgery, Lapino Clinical Hospital, 143081, Russia, Moscow region, Lapino, 1st Uspenskoe highway, 111, +7(926)160-69-36.
Dmitry V. Markov, PhD, Head of the Department of Neurology, Lapino Clinical Hospital, 143081, Russia, Moscow region, Lapino, 1st Uspenskoe highway, 111,
Yulia Yu. Kutakova, PhD, Medical Director for Organizational, Scientific and Educational Work, Mother and Child Group of Companies,
143081, Russia, Moscow region, Lapino, 1st Uspenskoe highway, 111, +7(906)043-91-91,
Tatyana Yu. Semenova, Head of the Transfusion Therapy Room, Lapino Clinical Hospital, 143081, Russia, Moscow region, Lapino, 1st Uspenskoe highway, 111,
Ruslana A. Petrulevich, obstetrician-gynecologist at the Operating Unit, Lapino Clinical Hospital, 143081, Russia, Moscow region, Lapino, 1st Uspenskoe highway, 111, +7(916)607-06-86,
Anastasia K. Medvedskaya, clinical resident, Lapino Clinical Hospital, 143081, Russia, Moscow region, Lapino, 1st Uspenskoe highway, 111, +7(937)23-52-110,
Corresponding author: Anastasia K. Medvedskaya,

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