Intraoperative ultrasound in the surgical treatment of benign ovarian masses

Naumova N.V., Krutova V.A., Boldovskaya E.A.

Kuban State Medical University Clinic, Ministry of Health of Russia, Krasnodar, Russia
Objective. To investigate the abilities of an intraoperative laparoscopic ultrasound transducer with a flexible controllable head to diagnose and treat surgically patients with benign ovarian masses.
Subjects and methods. The results of surgical treatment were prospectively analyzed in 172 patients with benign ovarian masses, who were divided into two groups. A study group consisted of 86 patients who had undergone intraoperative transvaginal and laparoscopic echography in addition to transvaginal and transabdominal ultrasonography before and after surgery. A control group included 86 patients with benign ovarian masses who had not intraoperative ultrasound examination.
Results. Intraoperative laparoscopic ultrasonography can shorten the duration of surgical intervention by reducing the number of intraoperative complications and blood loss and the time of surgical revision. In addition, laparoscopic echography helps avoid postoperative complications, recurrences, and repeat surgery.
Conclusion. According to our investigation, intraoperative laparoscopic ultrasonography can determine the presence and localization of ovarian space-occupying lesions, as well as their number, sizes, and structure, thereby contributing to the choice of an optimal volume for surgical treatment and its method. The ultrasonography ensures surgical safety, which ultimately improves the quality of life in patients and maximizes the preservation of reproductive function.


intraoperative ultrasound examination
laparoscopic echography
intraoperative transvaginal echography
benign ovarian mass


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Received 16.04.2020

Accepted 30.06.2020

About the Authors

Natalia V. Naumova, Candidate of Medicine, Associate Professor of the Department of Radiation Diagnostics, Kuban State Medical University, Ministry of Healthcare of Russian Federation; Head of the Department of Radiation Diagnostics, Clinic of the Kuban State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russian Federation.
Tel.: +7(861)257-05-09. E-mail: ORCID: 0000-0003-5423-6411. 4/1, Zipovskaya str., Krasnodar, Russia, 350010.
Victoria A. Krutova, Doctor of Medicine, Professor of the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Perinatology, Kuban State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russian Federation; Head Physician, Clinic of Kuban State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russian Federation. Tel.: +7(861)257-05-09.
E-mail: ORCID: 0000-0002-9907-7491. 4/1, Zipovskaya str., Krasnodar, Russia, 350010.
Elena A. Boldovskaya, Candidate of Medicine, ultrasound specialist of the highest category of the Department of Radiation Diagnostics,
Clinic of the Kuban State Medical University, Ministry of Healthcare of Russian Federation.
Tel.: +7(918)449-19-74. E-mail: ORCID: 0000-0003-4323-6374. 4/1, Zipovskaya str., Krasnodar, Russia, 350010.

For citation: Naumova N.V., Krutova V.A., Boldovskaya E.A. Intraoperative ultrasound in the surgical treatment of benign ovarian masses.
Akusherstvo i Ginekologiya/ Obstetrics and gynecology. 2020; 10: 162-167 (in Russian)

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