Effectiveness of preimplantation genetic screening in patients with recurrent miscarriage and infertility

Korotchenko O.E., Syrkasheva A.G., Dolgushina N.V., Kulakova E.V., Dokshukina A.A., Ekimov A.E.

1 Research Center of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Perinatology, Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow 117997, Ac. Oparina str. 4, Russia; 2 M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow 117192, Lomonosovsky Prospekt 31-5, Russia
Objective. To investigate the effectiveness of preimplantation genetic screening (PGS) in the outcomes of assisted reproductive technology programs in patients with recurrent miscarriage and infertility.
Subjects and methods. The prospective cohort study enrolled 196 women with infertility of different genesis, who had experienced 2 or more pregnancy losses in the first trimester of pregnancy. The patients were divided into groups according to the performance of PGS using array comparative genomic hybridization.
Results. Term delivery occurred in 35.4% of the patients undergoing PCS and in 17.0% of those who had not (OR for live births = 2.7; 95% CI = 1.3; 5.6).
Conclusion. In patients with recurrent miscarriage and infertility, IVF/PGS is a method to increase live birth rates, by selecting euploid embryos.


recurrent miscarriage
assisted reproductive technologies
preimplantation genetic screening
complete genomic hybridization

Supplementary Materials

  1. Table 1. Clinical and anamnestic data of patients
  2. Table 2. The frequency of live birth, depending on the patient's age
  3. Table 3. The frequency of live birth, depending on the number of miscarriages in the anamnesis
  4. Table 4. The frequency of live birth, depending on the patient's body mass index


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Received 09.06.2017

Accepted 23.06.2017

About the Authors

Korotchenko Olga Eugenievna, M.D., Post-graduate student, Department of assistive technologies in infertility treatment, Research Center for Obstetrics,
Gynecology and Perinatology. 117997, Russia, Moscow, Ac. Oparina str. 4. E-mail: okorotchenko@mail.ru
Syrkasheva Anastasia Grigorievna, M.D., Ph.D., Researcher of the Department of assistive reproductive technology in the treatment of infertility,
Research Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology. 117997, Russia, Moscow, Ac. Oparina str. 4. E-mail: a_syrkasheva@oparina4.ru
Dolgushina Nataliya Vitalievna, M.D., Ph.D., M.P.H., Head of R&D Department, Research Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology.
117997, Russia, Moscow, Ac. Oparina str. 4. Tel.: +74954384977. E-mail: n_dolgushina@oparina4.ru
Kulakova Elena Vladimirovna, M.D., Ph.D., senior researcher, Department of assistive technologies in infertility treatment, Research Center for Obstetrics,
Gynecology and Perinatology. 117997, Russia, Moscow, Ac. Oparina str. 4. E-mail: e_kulakova@oparina4.ru
Dokshukina Alina Alexeevna, Undergraduate of the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine of Lomonosov Moscow State University.
117192, Russia, Moscow, Lomonosovsky Prospekt 31-5.E-mail: dokshukina.aa@gmail.com
Ekimov Aleksey Nikolaevich, the geneticist of Molecular-Genetics Department, Research Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology.
117997, Russia, Moscow, Ac. Oparina str. 4. Tel.: +79269805860. E-mail: a_ekimov@oparina4.ru

For citations: Korotchenko O.E., Syrkasheva A.G., Dolgushina N.V., Kulakova E.V.,
Dokshukina A.A., Ekimov A.E. Effectiveness of preimplantation genetic screening
in patients with recurrent miscarriage and infertility.
Akusherstvo i Ginekologiya/Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2018; (3): 64-9. (in Russian)

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