Surrogacy: law and practice

Basova A.V., Komkova G.N., Romanovsky G.B.

1 V.I. Razumovsky Saratov State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia; 2 N.G. Chernyshevsky Saratov State University, Russia; 3 Penza State University, Russia
Objective. To analyze modern literature on the legal regulation of surrogacy for Russian and foreign citizens.
Materials and methods. The review presents the results of a systems analysis of foreign and Russian legislations and literature on the population’s rights to surrogacy.
Results. The investigation revealed the present-day problems of legal regulation of surrogacy in the Russian Federation.
Conclusion. The current surrogacy law has been proposed to be changed.


reproductive rights
reproductive technologies


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Received 12.12.2017

Accepted 22.12.2017

About the Authors

Alla V. Basova, Assistant of the Department of Public Health and Health Сare with the Courses of Science of Law and History of Medicine,
Saratov State Medical University n.a. V.I. Razumovsky. 410012, Russia, Saratov, Bolshaya Kazachya str., 112. Tel.: +78452677620. E-mail:
Galina N. Komkova, Head of the Department of Constitutional and Municipal Law, Doctor of Law, Professor, Saratov State University n.a. N.G. Chernyshevsky.
410012, Russia, Saratov, Astrakhanskaya str. 83. Tel.: +78452213652. E-mail:
Georgy B. Romanovsky, Head of Department of the Criminal Law, Doctor of Law, Professor, Penza State University.
440026, Penza, Krasnaja str. 40. Tel.: +78412368045. E-mail:

For citations: Basova A.V., Komkova G.N., Romanovsky G.B. Surrogacy: law and practice. Akusherstvo i Ginekologiya/Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2018; (7): 92-6. (in Russian)

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