Use of an osmotic dilator in cases of incomplete abortion to terminate miscarriage in women with severe comorbidity
Background. The complexity of terminating non-developing pregnancy is that the cervix uteri is not ready and the myometrium is inert, which lead to the prolonged inability of the uterus to expulse an embryo or fetus. The treatment of patients with this pathology uses a large range of drugs, the efficacy of which is not always sufficient, which is due to the severity of the process, reduced immune reactivity, and the presence of severe extragenital diseases.Barinov S.V., Tirskaya Yu.I., Shamina I.V., Medyannikova I.V., Shkabarnya L.L.
Case reports. The paper describes three complex clinical cases of abortion in cases of intrauterine fetus/embryo death in the presence of severe comorbidity, by applying a Dilapan-S osmotic dilator.
Discussion. It is noted that DILAPAN-S not only causes cervical canal dilatation, but, in some cases, results in self-induced miscarriage.
Conclusion. This instrument can be separately used to resolve an incomplete abortion in the presence of severe extragenital diseases
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Received 07.02.2017
Accepted 17.02.2017
About the Authors
Barinov Sergey Vladimirovich, MD, Professor, Head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology № 2, Omsk State Medical University.644099, Russia, Omsk, Lenina str. 12. Tel.: +738126-2458. E-mail:
Tirskaya Yuliya Igorevna, MD, Associate Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology № 2, Omsk State Medical University.
644099, Russia, Omsk, Lenina str. 12. Tel.: +7381262458. E-mail:
Shamina Inna Vasilevna, PhD, Assistant, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology № 2, Omsk State Medical University.
644099, Russia, Omsk, Lenina str. 12. Tel.: +73812240658. E-mail:
Medyannikova Irina Vladimirovna, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology № 2, Omsk State Medical University.
644099, Russia, Omsk, Lenina str. 12. Tel.: +73812240658. E-mail:
Shkabarnya Lyudmila Leonidovna, head of the department of gynecology, Regional Clinical Hospital.
644111, Russia, Omsk, Berezovaya str. 3. Tel.: +73812232237. E-mail:
For citations: Barinov S.V., Tirskaya Yu.I., Shamina I.V., Medyannikova I.V.,
Shkabarnya L.L. Use of an osmotic dilator in cases of incomplete abortion
to terminate miscarriage in women with severe comorbidity.
Akusherstvo i Ginekologiya/Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2017; (3): 160-4. (in Russian)