Evaluation of discrepancies between conventional and liquid-based cervical cytology

Kononova I.N., Bashmakova N.V., Vainberg E.I., Rebrikova L.N., Borisevich G.A., Martem’yanova V.V., Kuznetsova Yu.N., Shmakova N.A., Beikin Ya.B.

1) «Ural Research Institute for Maternal and Child Care» of Ministry of Healthcare of Russian Federation, Ekaterinburg, Russia; 2) Municipal Autonomous Institution «Clinical Diagnostic Center», Ekaterinburg, Russia; 3) Ministry of Health of the Sverdlovsk Region, Ekaterinburg, Russia; 4) «Kachkanar central city hospital», Kachkanar, Sverdlovsk region, Russia
4«Kachkanar central city hospital», Kachkanar, Sverdlovsk region, Russia
Aim. To investigate the agreement between cervical cytology assessed by conventional hematoxylin-eosin staining and liquid-based cervical cytology (BD SurePath™ liquid-based Pap test).
Materials and methods. The study analyzed cervical cytology diagnoses of 2426 women aged 19 to 68 (mean
34 ± 11) who sought obstetric and gynecology care between 2018 and 2019 and underwent liquid-based cervical cytology using BD SurePath™ liquid-based Pap test and cervical cytology assessed by conventional hematoxylin-eosin staining.
Results. Liquid-based cervical cytology was associated with significantly higher detection rate of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia of various grades (LSIL + HSIL) compared to conventional cervical cytology (15.13 ± 0.4% and 11.99 ± 0.2%, respectively, p = 0.016 ); it also better characterized the inflammatory process (28.7 ± 1.3% and 17.9 ± 1.2%, respectively, p = 0.042) and dysbiosis (5.7 ± 0.2% and 9.3 ± 0.3%, respectively, p = 0.015) in endocervical samples, which is necessary for an adequate diagnosis and perioperative treatment of patients to prevent the recurrence of cervical neoplasia.
Conclusion. The findings of the study suggest an advantage of liquid-based cervical cytology over conventional technique, which allows a recommendation to use liquid-based cytology as the preferable cervical screening modality.


cervical disease
cytological screening


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Received 20.12.2019

Accepted 09.01.2020

About the Authors

Irina N. Kononova, MD, PhD, Federal State Budgetary Institution “Ural Research Institute for Maternal and Child Care” of Ministry of Healthcare of Russian Federation.Repin, 1, Еkaterinburg, Russia, 620028.
Nadezhda V. Bashmakova MD, PhD, Chief Scientific Researcher, Professor Federal State Budgetary Institution “Ural Research Institute for Maternal and Child Care” of Ministry of Healthcare of Russian Federation, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Chief obstetrician-gynecologist of the Ural Federal District,  
Repin, 1, Еkaterinburg, Russia, 620028.
Ella I. Vainberg, Municipal Autonomous Institution “Clinical Diagnostic Center”, Ekaterinburg, Russia.
Larisa N. Rebrikova, Municipal Autonomous Institution “Clinical Diagnostic Center”, Ekaterinburg, Russia.
Galina A. Borisevich Chief Epidemiologist of the Ministry of Health of the Sverdlovsk Region.
Valeriya V. Martemyanova, Head physician State budgetary institution of health care of the Sverdlovsk region “Kachkanar central city hospital”, Kachkanar, Sverdlovsk region, Russia.
Jakov B. Beikin, MD, PhD, Head physician Municipal Autonomous Institution “Clinical Diagnostic Center”, Ekaterinburg, Russia.
Nadezhda A. Shmakova, obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category, postgraduate student of FSBI “Ural Research Institute of OMM” of the Ministry of Health of Russia.
Yulia N. Kuznetsova, Head of the Women’s Consultation at the Kachkanar Central City Hospital

For citation: Kononova I.N., Bashmakova N.V., Vainberg E.I., Rebrikova L.N., Borisevich G.A., Martem’yanova V.V., Kuznetsova Yu.N., Shmakova N.A., Beikin Ya.B. Evaluation of discrepancies between conventional and liquid-based cervical cytology.
Akusherstvo i Ginekologiya/Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2020; 1(Suppl): 86-92.(in Russian)

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