The provision of vitamin D in parturients and newborn infants in the mother-child dyad under the conditions of the Subarctic Zone of the Russian federation in the winter season

Malyavskaya S.I., Karamyan V.G., Kostrova G.N. Lebedev, A.V.

1 Northern State Medical University, Arkhangelsk; 2 K.N. Samoilova Arkhangelsk Clinical Maternal Hospital
Objective. To assess the provision of vitamin D in newborn infants and parturients in the mother-child dyad in the city of Arkhangelsk in the winter season.
Subjects and methods. A total of 55 mother-child pairs from the city of Arkhangelsk were examined during the cross-sectional study. The level of 25(OH)D was determined in umbilical cord blood and parturients.
Results. Vitamin D deficiency was found in the mothers: only 19 (35%) of the examined women had vitamin D levels above the recommended values (30 ng/ml). The newborns were provided with vitamin D much worse than their mothers: only 4 (7%) children had a normal level of vitamin D; 20 (36%) had the level that corresponded to its deficiency; severe deficiency and insufficiency were noted in 17(31%) and 14 (26%) newborn infants, respectively. The level of 25(OH)D in a baby was shown to be clearly related to its provision in his/her mother. Severe vitamin D deficiency was recorded in all children born to mothers with severe deficiency (25(OH)D levels below 10 ng/ml); the children born to mothers with deficiency (25(OH)D levels of 10–19 ng/ml) were observed to have severe in vitamin D deficiency in 43% of cases and insufficiency in 57%; those born to mothers with vitamin D deficiency (25(OH)D levels of 20–30 ng/ml) were found to have severe vitamin deficiency in 40% of cases, deficiency in 47%, and insufficiency in 13%.
Conclusion. The critically low levels of vitamin D in umbilical cord blood (96% of the children have 25(OH)D levels below 30 ng/ml) indicate that it is necessary to introduce a system of urgent remedial measures using adequate correction schemes for both pregnant women and newborns who should be given vitamin D supplements from birth if their mothers have been found to have vitamin D deficiency. It is advisable to determine the baseline level of 25(OH)D in all pregnant women for the prescription of an appropriate dose of vitamin D.


newborn babies
vitamin D provision
umbilical cord blood
pregnant women
Arctic zone

Supplementary Materials

  1. Fig. 1. Provision of vitamin D for mothers and newborns,%
  2. Fig. 2. Proportion of newborns with different levels of vitamin D supplementation, depending on the vitamin D level in the mother,%
  3. Рис. 3. Медианные значения уровней витамина D у матерей и новорожденных в зависимости от обеспеченности витамином D матери


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Received 19.07.2017

Accepted 22.09.2017

About the Authors

Malyavskaya Svetlana Ivanovna, MD, professor, head of the Department of Pediatrics, Northern State Medical University.
163000, Russia, Arkhangelsk, Troitskiy Ave. 51. Tel.: +78181285783. E-mail:
Karamyan Viktoria Grigoryevna, Chief Physician of K.N. Samoilova Arkhangelsk Clinical Maternal Hospital.
163060, Russia, Arkhangelsk, Timme str. 1. Tel.: +78182420621. E-mail:
Kostrova Galina Nikolaevna, Candidate of Medical Science, associate professor of the Department of Normal Physiology, Northern State Medical University.
163000, Russia, Arkhangelsk, Troitskiy Ave. 51. Tel.: +78181211252. E-mail:
Lebedev Andrey Viktorovich, MD, associate professor of the Department of Pathological Physiology, Northern State Medical University.
163000, Russia, Arkhangelsk, Troitskiy Ave. 51. Tel.: +78181211252. E-mail:

For citations: Malyavskaya S.I., Karamyan V.G., Kostrova G.N. Lebedev, A.V. The provision of vitamin D in parturients and newborn infants in the mother-child dyad under the conditions of the Subarctic Zone of the Russian federation in the winter season. Akusherstvo i Ginekologiya/Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2018; (3): 58-62. (in Russian)

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