COVID-19: Daily dashboard

Global case count (as of September 19, 08:23 ET): 612,070,031 confirmed cases; 6,526,720 deaths (1.1%). The following are the 30 countries with the highest case counts as of September 19, 08:23 ET.
Country Total confirmed cases Total deaths Confirmed cases per million population Deaths per million population % of population partly vaccinated * % of population fully vaccinated *
US^^ 95,662,098 1,053,434 290,346 3,197 11.53% 67.66%
India 44,539,046 528,355 32,278 383 5.63% 67.24%
France# 35,076,991 155,712 537,580 2,386 2.24% 78.68%
Brazil 34,568,833 685,203 162,632 3,224 6.87% 80.28%
Germany 32,680,356 148,933 392,999 1,791 1.59% 76.07%
South Korea 24,413,873 27,867 476,152 544 0.84% 86.19%
United Kingdom~~ 23,803,311 207,189 350,106 3,047 4.55% 75.42%
Italy 22,161,016 176,578 366,531 2,920 4.85% 80.97%
Japan# 20,693,604 43,770 163,582 346 1.13% 82.47%
Russia~ 20,192,164 378,324 138,331 2,592 5.22% 52.82%
Turkey 16,852,382 101,068 199,825 1,198 5.62% 62.70%
Spain+ 13,384,876 113,725 286,282 2,432 1.38% 85.59%
Vietnam++ 11,460,227 43,141 117,734 443 6.11% 85.84%
Australia# 10,159,613 14,763 399,076 580 2.55% 84.00%
Argentina^ 9,703,938 129,855 214,711 2,873 7.76% 83.44%
Netherlands** 8,515,935 23,266 496,989 1,358 4.67% 68.32%
Iran~~ 7,543,548 144,319 89,800 1,718 7.53% 66.37%
Mexico** 7,069,764 329,895 55,322 2,582 12.96% 63.10%
Indonesia^^ 6,410,426 157,915 23,435 577 12.19% 62.28%
Colombia## 6,305,562 141,746 123,922 2,786 11.95% 70.81%
Poland^ 6,245,370 117,351 165,018 3,101 0.59% 58.88%
Taiwan 5,998,860 10,579 251,148 443 5.95% 84.83%
Portugal** 5,456,778 24,951 535,158 2,447 8.14% 86.63%
Ukraine 5,392,816 116,767 123,308 2,670 NA NA
Austria 5,024,113 20,677 557,835 2,296 NA NA
Greece 4,838,811 32,894 464,243 3,156 2.78% 73.12%
Malaysia 4,818,890 36,312 148,885 1,122 1.77% 81.92%
Thailand 4,673,629 32,640 66,954 468 4.94% 74.64%
Israel 4,651,143 11,681 537,344 1,350 6.07% 66.23%
Chile# 4,568,495 60,822 238,986 3,182 2.02% 90.66%

* Data sourced from and are as of September 18, unless otherwise indicated; A person is considered partly vaccinated if they have received only one dose of a 2-dose vaccine protocol. A person is considered fully vaccinated if they have received a single-dose vaccine or both doses of a two-dose vaccine.

^ Vaccination data as of September 17;  ~ vaccination data as of September 16; # vaccination data as of September 15; + vaccination data as of September 4; ^^vaccination data as of September 13; ~~ vaccination data as of September 4; ** vaccination data as of September 2; ++ vaccination data as of September 1; ## vaccination data as of August 19.

NA: Data not available on Our World In Data site.

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