Prediction of the course of different types of pyelonephritis in pregnant women from innate immunity indicators

Seregin S.P., Petrov S.V., Kholimenko I.M.

1South-Western State University, Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, Kursk 305040, 50 years of October str. 94, Russia 2Kursk City Hospital Six, Kursk 305044, Soyuznaya str. 30, Russia 3Kursk City Clinical Hospital of Emergency Medical Care, Kursk 305000, Pirogova str. 14, Russia
Objective. To investigate innate immunity indicators in pregnant women with different types of pyelonephritis.
Subjects and methods. A total of 200 pregnant women underwent an examination involving the identification of the clinical and anamnestic characteristics of the course of pregnancy, the laboratory diagnosis of inflammatory diseases, and the study of innate immunity indicators.
Results. The maximum content of complement C3 and C­4 components was seen in a group of pregnant women with newly diagnosed pyelonephritis (36.3±2.07 and 58.3±4.0 ng/ml). The concentration of C1 (110.2±19.1 ng/ml) was decreased in a group of those with gestational pyelonephritis. The phagocytic indices (PI) (PI, 23.2±0.41%; phagocytic activity index (PAI), 1.02±0.03) were lower in a group of pregnant women with uncomplicated pyelonephritis than in a group of normal pregnancy (50.5±4.2 and 2.9±0.7).
Conclusion. The changes in immunity indices are more marked in patients with pyelonephritis first detected during pregnancy than in those with chronic pyelonephritis, in whom an exacerbation occurred during pregnancy.


gestational pyelonephritis
compliment system

Supplementary Materials

  1. Table 1. Indicators of the system complement in the study groups
  2. Table 2. Activity and intensity of phagocytosis of peripheral blood neutrophils
  3. Table 3. Activity of oxygen-dependent systems of peripheral blood neutrophils


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Received 09.03.2017

Accepted 28.04.2017

About the Authors

Seryogin Stanislav Petrovitch, Prof., MD, Department of Biomedical Engineering, South-Western State University, Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.
305040, Russia, Kursk, 50 years of October str. 94. Tel.: +79102154354. E -mail:
Petrov Sergey Vyacheslavovich, PhD, Gynecologist, Kursk City Hospital Six. 305044, Russia, Kursk, Soyuznaya str. 30. Tel.: +79102184859. E-mail:
Kholimenko Ivan Mihajlovich, Urologist, Kursk City Clinical Hospital of Emergency Medical Care.
305000, Russia, Kursk, Pirogova str. 14. Tel.: +79202698357. E-mail:

For citations: Seregin S.P., Petrov S.V., Kholimenko I.M. Prediction of the course of different types of pyelonephritis in pregnant women from innate immunity indicators. Akusherstvo i Ginekologiya/Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2018; (1): 48-52. (in Russian)
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